Shaping a Healthy Body Image for Kids

Shaping a Healthy Body Image for Kids

Moms / Mom Tips

“I look fat.” “My butt is too big.” “My arms look jiggly.” How often do you find yourself complaining about your physical flaws in front of your children? Unless the answer is never, it’s one too many times. By showing that you have a lack of self love to your…

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Feast on These Dinnertime Rituals

Feast on These Dinnertime Rituals

Moms / Mom Tips

If you can’t stand the heat, get some help in the kitchen. When it comes to the dinner rush, it feels like there’s so much to do in so little time. So why not recruit some help? Your children are the perfect assistants. From prepping the food to setting the…

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Pregnancy Tests 101

Pregnancy Tests 101

Moms / Mom Tips

When you think you might be pregnant, you want to know as soon as possible. So you may do what many women do and run out to the drugstore a few days after the alleged conception to pick up a pregnancy test. But how do you know you’re getting accurate…

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The Healthiest Foods Your Kid’s Not Eating

The Healthiest Foods Your Kid’s Not Eating

Moms / Mom Tips

The script for what’s healthy eating for kids is constantly being rewritten. Kids today are exposed to more diverse foods than ever, and inevitably, some of the healthiest are being overlooked. Sure, you know to serve those “superfoods” like blueberries, sweet potatoes and yogurt. But there are a few superfoods…

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Plant the Seeds for Fun and Food

Plant the Seeds for Fun and Food

Moms / Mom Tips

What better way to get your child to eat her vegetables than have her grow them herself? When kids take an interest in gardening, they’re looped into the process it takes to get produce to grow from seeds and ultimately end up on their plates. For toddlers and preschoolers, it’s…

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Common Baby Conditions

Common Baby Conditions

Moms / Mom Tips

Kids come out of the womb with some strange-looking markings sometimes. The good news is that there’s usually nothing wrong with a newborn that has a strange-looking skin condition. Here are a few marks and characteristics you might see in a new baby. Mongolian spots — flat, grayish round marks…

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Camping Vacations: Pitch a Tent with the Kids

Camping Vacations: Pitch a Tent with the Kids

Moms / Mom Tips

Roughing it might sound, well, rough if you have kids, but there are a lot of reasons to consider a camping vacation this summer. Regardless of where you live, it’s usually convenient and easy to find a campground within a couple of hours from your town. Many campgrounds allow you…

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Can You Handle the Tooth?

Can You Handle the Tooth?

Moms / Mom Tips

Tell us the tooth — are you doing everything you need to be doing to ensure proper dental health for your children? With busy schedules, it’s easy to become lax when it comes to your child’s chompers. But remember they only have one set of teeth — well, two if…

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Parents’ Most Pressing Health Concerns

Parents’ Most Pressing Health Concerns

Moms / Mom Tips

With so much to worry about when it comes to kids, it’s hard to decide which health concerns are valid and which are less serious. For example, many parents freak out when their child gets clocked in the noggin, but much of the time, a bump on the head will…

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The Newest Healthy Snacks to Go

The Newest Healthy Snacks to Go

Moms / Mom Tips

When you’re on the go and can’t stop to eat, what can you do to quiet those growling stomachs without having to drive through and pick up unhealthy food? Pack snack bags with good-for-you grub that will allow you to finish what you need to do without making a food…

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