Moms / Mom Tips
When it comes to patience, do you feel like you’re always running on empty? When York University conducted a study in 1999, respondents listed patience as the most important parenting skill. Of course, patience is fleeting. Even if you have it, it’s easy to lose once you’re under the pressure…
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Moms / Mom Tips
You’ve got the house babyproofed with all the gadgets and preventive tools that should keep young kids out of the dangerous areas of your home. No worries, right? Wrong. There are hidden hazards in the home that can do serious damage to a child. Be extra-careful and warn children of…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Between television, video games and all of the other daily distractions, some people often forget to read between the lines, or read at all, for that matter. When it comes to activities you do with your children, there is no substitute for reading. The American Association of Pediatrics maintains that…
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Moms / Mom Tips
How many times have you forgotten something in your car? Probably too many to count. While most people can’t imagine forgetting a child in the car, it happens, especially with the hustle and bustle of daily routine. Sadly, the outcome is usually deadly. Between 1998 and 2010, an estimated 496…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Remember the embarrassment of having to insist your date come in to meet your parents? Or the anticipation of sitting by the phone waiting for a boy to call – then intercepting said call before one of your parents picked up and found a boy on the other end? For…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Raising a confident child can be a challenge. While some children have no issues going for what they want, other kids are more reserved and struggle to be assertive. It’s important to note there is a big difference between being assertive and being aggressive. As a parent, you probably want…
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Moms / Mom Tips
It doesn’t matter whether Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow or not – you’ll more than likely see your fair share of chilly temperatures between now and spring. It’s the perfect time to revisit your child’s winter wardrobe and make sure you have everything you need to ensure your children survive…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Computers are an indispensable tool for older children, but when should parents start teaching their children computer skills? Many experts say that age two isn’t too early. At age two, educators say that kids have the hand-eye coordination and attention span to enjoy supervised computer time. There are programs online…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Team sports are a great way for kids to learn the lessons of teamwork, problem-solving and simply how much fun it is to exercise and get some fresh air. But the example that some sports moms and dads are setting are far from ones that are appropriate. Did you know…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Which way do you swing when your child behaves? What’s best – spanking or time outs? Before you even get to the point where discipline is needed, experts say that kids need clear-cut boundaries so that you can head off discipline problems before they even happen. Certainly, those boundaries need…
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