Moms / Mom Tips
How many times have you forgotten something in your car? Probably too many to count. While most people can’t imagine forgetting a child in the car, it happens, especially with the hustle and bustle of daily routine. Sadly, the outcome is usually deadly. Between 1998 and 2010, an estimated 496…
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Moms / Mom Tips
“Are you listening to me?” How many times have you asked your child that very thing? It may seem like you say things a thousand times, and your child still never hears you. Truth be told, they may be hearing you; they’re just not listening to you. Not sure how…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Tall, short or in between – parents can worry excessively about how their child is growing, and it starts during those first newborn checkups. Pediatricians will expect babies to grow consistently according to the height and weight chart, checking to be sure the two are roughly in the same percentile….
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Moms / Mom Tips
Children express emotions in a range of ways, and they may not always seem like appropriate reactions. Being scolded might turn a child into a wailing, hysterical mess, but the death of a close family member might be met with stoicism. This is because children model their behavior after what…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Team sports are a great way for kids to learn the lessons of teamwork, problem-solving and simply how much fun it is to exercise and get some fresh air. But the example that some sports moms and dads are setting are far from ones that are appropriate. Did you know…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Breast milk is the gold standard of nutrition for babies, but if you go the formula route, then there are a few things to know about all those formulas. Soy, hypoallergenic, lactose-free, organic, powder, premixed and more supplements than you can keep track of – the formula shelves at the…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Whether you celebrate Hanukkah or not, there are some fun ways to incorporate the holiday into your family life. So why not try giving these games a spin? Of course, no Hanukkah holiday would be complete without a game of dreidel. In order to play, you’ll need a dreidel and…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Just as much as twins are very alike, sometimes siblings raised in the same home by the same parents can be complete opposites. Birth order has been used to explain and predict these personality differences, hobbies, grades in school, earning potential and much more. But can that be possible, and…
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Moms / Mom Tips
No means no, even when you’re saying it to your child. For many parents, no quickly turns to maybe or even yes once they’re bombarded by cries, whines and pouts. At the time it might seem easier to give up and give in than deal with the fallout, but in…
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Moms / Mom Tips
When it comes to cooking, there’s nothing quite like getting your kids in on the act, especially if they’re finicky eaters. Your child will have even more incentive to polish off his meal when he’s the one to prepare it. In addition to getting a helping hand in the kitchen,…
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