Music to Their Ears

Music to Their Ears

Moms / Mom Tips

Can playing music to your baby or young child make her smarter? That was the claim of the much-hyped “Mozart Effect” several years ago, but the truth isn’t exactly black and white. Certainly, music is a great complement for stimulating babies’ brains and teaching toddlers vocabulary, but the jury’s out…

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The Kids and the Furry: Time for a Pet?

The Kids and the Furry: Time for a Pet?

Moms / Mom Tips

If your family doesn’t already have a furry friend – or your kids don’t get along with the pet – then the time may come when they start begging for a cat, dog, snake…who knows? Be prepared to field their requests by assessing first whether or not your family is…

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Child-Rearing: Home on the Free Range

Child-Rearing: Home on the Free Range

Moms / Mom Tips

You may have heard of the uproar caused when one New York mom and blogger allowed her 9-year-old son to ride the subway alone in 2008. Lenore Skenazy armed her son with maps and subway routes and sent him on a short trip to prove that so-called “helicopter parents” are…

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Made In the Shade: Invest In Kiddie Sunglasses

Made In the Shade: Invest In Kiddie Sunglasses

Moms / Mom Tips

There’s nothing cuter or cooler than seeing a toddler donning a pair of sunglasses. What many parents don’t consider is the health benefits behind those Foster Grants. Kiddie sunglasses are more than just a fashion statement — they’re a necessity in protecting your child’s eyes. The right pair of sunglasses…

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Are You Overcritical?

Are You Overcritical?

Moms / Mom Tips

“Your hair is a mess.” “Why can’t you do better in school?” “Do you ever watch where you’re going? Are you constantly criticizing your children to the point where even you’re beginning to wonder if you’re too hard on them? By now you’ve likely heard the notion of choosing your…

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Fall Activities Your Children Will Love

Fall Activities Your Children Will Love

Moms / Mom Tips

Autumn is upon us, and that means leaving the hot summer weather behind. With the change in temperatures comes a change in activities for your family. So why not take advantage of the cooler climate with some family-friendly activities that you and your kids are sure to fall for? Of…

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Kids Sunscreen 101

Kids Sunscreen 101

Moms / Mom Tips

Here comes the sun. It’s summertime, and most children are spending the majority of their days in the great outdoors. Between summer camp and family fun, it feels like your children are constantly being exposed to those deadly rays — like it or not. What most parents fail to realize…

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Prevent Team Sports Injuries

Prevent Team Sports Injuries

Moms / Mom Tips

As kids grow up, it’s healthy and fun for them to compete in sports such as soccer, baseball, basketball, gymnastics, football and even extreme sports, including mountain biking, BMX and skateboarding. But while all that physical activity is beneficial for growing bodies, there is the chance of getting hurt. Consider…

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What’s Hiding in Your Kid’s Food?

What’s Hiding in Your Kid’s Food?

Moms / Mom Tips

Are your kids getting more than the vitamins and minerals they need in their food? Likely so, if they eat a lot of processed, packaged food. Some of the most common food additives can have some pretty unsavory side effects, so it’s a good idea to check labels before buying…

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