Moms / Mom Tips
Whether you celebrate Hanukkah or not, there are some fun ways to incorporate the holiday into your family life. So why not try giving these games a spin? Of course, no Hanukkah holiday would be complete without a game of dreidel. In order to play, you’ll need a dreidel and…
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Moms / Mom Tips
When it comes to raising well-rounded children, extracurricular activities play a huge role in keeping your kids in line. According to one education consultant, participation in school activities, sports and community clubs and organizations during the middle school years has a positive effect on at-risk teens who might drop out…
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Moms / Mom Tips
From potty training to breaking curfew, kids always find a way to challenge and sometimes completely frustrate their parents. As a mom, how can you cope with the curveballs kids will inevitably throw at you during their 18 years – or more – under your roof? First, gauge yours and…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Letting your kids sleep in your bed – aka co-sleeping – is a hot-button topic, regardless of the child’s age. Nursing moms might find that sleeping with the baby makes nighttime feedings easier, allows more bonding time and promotes sounder sleep. Those who do not co-sleep with their newborns may…
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Moms / Mom Tips
As kids grow up, it’s healthy and fun for them to compete in sports such as soccer, baseball, basketball, gymnastics, football and even extreme sports, including mountain biking, BMX and skateboarding. But while all that physical activity is beneficial for growing bodies, there is the chance of getting hurt. Consider…
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Moms / Mom Tips
No one is perfect, and that fact becomes even more obvious when you become a parent. It’s tough not to hold yourself up to traditional mom role models, like June Cleaver, but even June Cleaver wasn’t that perfect. She just didn’t have “experts” like Dr. Phil and Oprah telling her…
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Moms / Mom Tips
What’s in a name? A whole lot. Just ask Dweezil Zappa, Bronx Mowgli, Suri Cruise and other celebrity offspring who’ve been the unlucky recipients of some mindless monikers. Naming your children is a responsibility that one shouldn’t take lightly. What you decide in an instant will stay with your child…
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Moms / Mom Tips
It’s a parent’s worst nightmare – a child becoming the prey of a sexual offender. Unfortunately, the sick individuals who stalk young children aren’t branded with a scarlet letter, and by the time some parents find out that a predator has infiltrated their surroundings, it’s too late. In the United…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Going away with kids isn’t a vacation; it’s a trip. Okay, so maybe that’s a little extreme. But any parent will cop to the fact that taking kids to a destination usually requires more work than play. More often than not, there’s little time for rest and relaxation. When was…
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Moms / Mom Tips
You may think of the kitchen as mom’s domain, but letting kids get a feel for the process of creating a meal teaches them more than how much work it really takes. When you let your kids help select foods at the grocery store, you teach them about nutrition. Discuss…
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