Moms / Mom Tips
“I’m telling!” may be the most annoying phrase that your child emits, particularly around the preschool age. But tattling usually boils down to one motivation: getting attention. Excessive tattling usually happens when kids aren’t mature enough to settle conflicts among themselves, and that’s normal for younger children. They look to…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Perhaps little Johnny is going over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house this summer. Or maybe he’s visiting another relative or family friend. Either way, it might mean your child flying by himself. And that’s OK – as long as you review your airline’s policies and get…
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Moms / Mom Tips
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that about 500 people a year – including about 30 kids – die of carbon monoxide poisoning, and even more are sickened. This odorless, colorless gas is given off when gas, oil, kerosene or wood are burned, and it’s the most common…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Peanuts, dairy, gluten, soy, eggs, sulfites…many foods contain potential allergenic products. And up to 8 percent of kids have life-threatening food allergies, and those limitations can become problematic as kids enter school or change schools. But parents and administrators can keep all kids safe and happy as they deal with…
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Moms / Mom Tips
As a parent, there’s no greater feeling than when your little ones offer to lend a helping hand around the house. After all, getting children to participate in household chores can be one of the greatest challenges of parenthood. While you may be anxious to get your children involved in…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Can playing music to your baby or young child make her smarter? That was the claim of the much-hyped “Mozart Effect” several years ago, but the truth isn’t exactly black and white. Certainly, music is a great complement for stimulating babies’ brains and teaching toddlers vocabulary, but the jury’s out…
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Moms / Mom Tips
With the start of the new year inevitably come resolutions. January is National Birth Defects Prevention month, and if your resolution is to get pregnant, then learning how to have the healthiest baby possible is important. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that one in 33 children is…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Whether you react with joy or dread when the holidays and all of its hosting rigors roll around depends on how well you prepare and plan for them. Unexpected guests may show up at any given time, whether they’re brought along by other family members or friends, or they simply…
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Moms / Mom Tips
February is Responsible Pet Owners’ Month, and what better way to train your kids than to put them in charge of man’s best friend? While one of the main goals of this month is to encourage pet owners to spay or neuter their pets, the general theme is to encourage…
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Moms / Mom Tips
As kids grow up, it’s healthy and fun for them to compete in sports such as soccer, baseball, basketball, gymnastics, football and even extreme sports, including mountain biking, BMX and skateboarding. But while all that physical activity is beneficial for growing bodies, there is the chance of getting hurt. Consider…
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