Moms / Mom Tips
While he’s 6, 16 or even 60, your child can enjoy good health and has a better chance of being healthier longer when you start early. We all expect our children to outlive us and enjoy living longer than people ever have, but these days, that may not be the…
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Moms / Mom Tips
It doesn’t matter whether Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow or not – you’ll more than likely see your fair share of chilly temperatures between now and spring. It’s the perfect time to revisit your child’s winter wardrobe and make sure you have everything you need to ensure your children survive…
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Moms / Mom Tips
It may be the hardest thing for toddlers and preschoolers to do. No, we’re not talking about potty-training. The dreaded s-word – sharing – can incite tantrums like no other. But the earlier you start teaching and modeling sharing, the better your child will become at sharing. Start helping your…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Regardless of whether they’re stuck inside, on a play date or just feeling artistic, painting is just plain fun for kids. So if you hear the dreaded complaints of “I’m bored!” this summer, then just don some smocks and go to town to create some artistic masterpieces. Even the youngest…
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Moms / Mom Tips
If you’re a new parent readying yourself for the first outing with baby, then you might wonder what else goes into the diaper bag…besides the obvious diapers, of course. It’s best to have the diaper bag packed while you’re still pregnant and waiting for baby to arrive. After all, in…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Leaving your child with a new babysitter so that you can enjoy a little adult time can be a daunting task. Of course you worry about how the sitter might handle an emergency, how much to pay her and how the kids will act while you’re gone – but do…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Still thinking of resolutions to make in the new year? Many adults resolve to lose weight, get more organized or make other promises. But why not make resolutions that benefit you and your family? If a resolution will make you a better parent, then there are a few you might…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Oww! A scraped knee, a bad bruise, bug bite, splinter or other minor injury can send a child into hysterics. But moms can take quick action to stem the tears and reduce scarring by taking the right measures fast. For the inevitable cuts and scrapes, hold a clean cloth or…
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Moms / Mom Tips
It’s a parent’s worst nightmare. We’re talking about back over injuries. According to the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, at least one child a week dies as a result of being accidentally backed over by a family vehicle. Even more tragic is that it’s often a family member who is…
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Moms / Mom Tips
You wouldn’t give someone the death penalty for running a red light, and the same rule of thumb should apply to your children’s wrongdoings. At the end of the day, you want to make sure the crime fits the punishment. For example, you don’t want to ground your 5-year-old child…
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