Moms / Nutrition
Most of us already know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Beginning your day without breakfast is like trying to fly a kite without any wind. It’s hard to get started and even harder to keep going. Breakfast is the first chance your child’s developing body…
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Moms / Nutrition
Fiber is an important nutrient that keeps your child’s intestines working comfortably. Foods that are good sources of fiber are beneficial because they are filling and therefore discourage overeating. High fiber foods stay in the stomach longer and require more chewing; prolonged chewing will help satisfy your child’s appetite. Research…
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Moms / Nutrition
Famished kids can be one rowdy bunch and there is only one way to tame them, with filling and fabulous after school snacks. These recipes will give you some quick, healthful and satisfying snacks that will get your kids through those long hours after school and before dinner. Teeny Tiny…
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Moms / Nutrition
Many parents think that because their children are picky eaters, they need to supply them with a multivitamin. The jury is still out on whether or not it is important to give children multivitamin supplements. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages and decide for yourself whether it is necessary in your…
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Moms / Nutrition
As a parent, you have a strong influence over how much fast food your child eats. Find out how to set some guidelines to follow when eating out that will teach them how to make healthy choices as adults. In the ‘olden days’ there were no video games or televisions….
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Moms / Nutrition
Super foods are those foods that provide your body with more than just calories, protein, carbohydrates and fat. They are classified as “real” foods (read: unprocessed) that supply your body with disease-fighting components and support health. For example, many fruits are considered super foods because they contain antioxidants which neutralize…
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Moms / Nutrition
Water is essential to life. In fact, water covers 80% of the surface of our planet and over 60% of the human body consists of water. Water is essential for children and adults alike to stay healthy and well. But how much water should kids drink? The Role of…
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Moms / Nutrition
Author, TV host and mother of seven children Hannah Keeley sat down with My Daily Moment recently to discuss how she masters the challenge of getting her family to the dinner table to share a meal and conversation. For many American families, simply putting food on the table has become…
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Moms / Nutrition
For large families or busy parents with no time to cook every night, bulk cooking can be a lifesaver. Not only is bulk cooking a huge timesaver, but it can also be economical and cut down on wasted leftovers. With smart planning and the right recipe ideas, you can have…
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Moms / Nutrition
The options for drinks seem to be at an all time high with energy and sport drinks, new flavored sodas, tropical fruit juices, fancy vitamin water, and even water with protein appealing to all ages. Sodas and sport drinks, however, can have as much as 13 teaspoons of added sugar….
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