Moms / Nutrition
Sneaking fruits and vegetables into other types of food can be an easy and rewarding process. If you are sick of arguing over one helping of peas at dinner just do what the savvy moms do, sneak it into other dishes! Read on for healthy recipes that benefit from a…
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Moms / Nutrition
As a parent, you have a strong influence over how much fast food your child eats. Find out how to set some guidelines to follow when eating out that will teach them how to make healthy choices as adults. In the ‘olden days’ there were no video games or televisions….
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Moms / Nutrition
March has been declared National Nutrition Month® by the American Dietetic Association, so I can’t think of a better time to talk about ways to improve your child’s lifestyle and eating habits. We all know that a banana is a healthier snack than a bag of potato chips and that…
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Moms / Nutrition
A baby bottle is a baby bottle, right? Not nowadays. Companies keep introducing new, more streamlined bottles in various materials and boasting a wide range of features. Baby bottles are not just containers for baby’s nutrients; they’re also objects of comfort for little ones. Babies spend a lot of time…
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