Moms / Activities
“It’s hot!” “I’m bored!” “There’s nothing to do!” Ah, the familiar refrains of summer… The dog days of summer leave many parents and caretakers desperate to find something — anything! — to keep the kids busy. Take a break from those monotonous moans and help yourself to this guide to…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Jeepers, creepers, are you keeping an eye on those peepers? Making sure your kids have healthy eyes is extremely important. That means you need to take action now… and not wait until eye issues arise. Newborn babies should be examined to make sure eyes are functioning properly. After one year,…
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Moms / Parenting
A supportive situation fosters numerous aspects of intelligence. The following 10 easy ways to stimulate intelligence in children will provide an “enriched environment” for brain growth. One: Love and Self-Esteem Improve Educational Performance In a extensive series of experiments, Prescott Lecky, an American educational researcher, found a high correlation between…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Just because you aren’t Jewish doesn’t mean you can’t celebrate Hanukkah, the festival of lights. Many people now celebrate both Hanukkah and Christmas, even if they don’t practice Judaism. Hanukkah is a great opportunity for you to expose your children to other religions. More than just a learning experience, it…
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Moms / Parenting
When you were growing up, did you ever wish that your parents were happy? Did you feel safe when they were happy and peaceful? My mother was rarely a happy person. Most of the time she was anxious, angry and felt overburdened, even though I was her only child. She…
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Moms / Mom Time
When we think of giving gifts, we usually think of things to buy for people. Yet if you think back on gifts you’ve been given, it might not be the material gifts you received that are foremost in your mind – it might be the kind of gifts that deeply…
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Moms / Activities
Nothing brings back fond memories like a family vacation. But with so much to do in so little time and so much to remember, the delight of a family vacation can be coupled with plenty of stress! Here are some ways to take the stress out of family vacations. Plan…
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Moms / Mom Tips
It’s every parent’s worst nightmare — the incessant crying that just doesn’t seem to cease. For new — and old — parents, those crying jags can feel like they go on forever. Fits of screams that don’t stop…no matter what you do. But have you really tried everything? There are…
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Moms / Mom Tips
As if you needed even more tension between you and the in-laws…When kids come along, so does the advice – many times, unwanted – from in-laws and other relatives. How do you keep the peace and adhere to your own child-rearing principles when your pushy relatives have their own ideas…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Revamping your child’s wardrobe can be a costly endeavor, especially if you don’t have hand-me-downs to fall back on. If you’re in the market for new kiddie clothes, there are some simple money-saving strategies that will save you a buck… or $20. For starters, exhaust all of the serious saving…
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