Moms / Mom Tips
We’ve all seen the dreaded skull and crossbones. It’s the symbol for danger ahead. We’re talking about the risks of poisoning. For parents, especially those with small children, it’s a very real threat. Take a close look around your house, and you’ll find risks just about everywhere you look. There…
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Moms / Mom Tips
How many holidays have you spent feeling guilty that little Fido has been forgotten around the holidays? While everybody else is enjoying their Christmas booty, your favorite four-legged friend is left with not so much as a bone to chew. Well, fear not. There are plenty of ways for you…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Their plates are barely clean and your children are already demanding to know what’s for dessert. In most households, dessert is a reward, not a guarantee. And while many parents try to dodge the dessert bullet as often as possible, it’s possible to make the post-supper snack a truly nutritious…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Sticks and stones will break their bones, but names will never hurt them, right? Think again. Bullying has been around as long as kids have, but with the introduction of different forms of communication, it’s risen to alarming levels. The implications of bullying and being bullied have grown more serious,…
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Moms / Mom Tips
So after taking that one crucial test to see if you’re actually pregnant, you may be wondering what else lies in store during the many prenatal visits you’ll make in the course of nine months. If it’s your first time around, all those pokes and prods may seem unnecessary, but…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Look at just about any Christmas tree, and the most eye-catching ornaments are usually the ones made from scratch. You don’t have to spend a fortune on those store-bought ornaments to make your tree stand out. In fact, you can create some awesome ornaments from scratch right in the comfort…
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Moms / Mom Tips
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the cost of raising a child can be an estimated $200,000… not including the price of college. With those kinds of expenses, it behooves you to cut your costs wherever you can. Most people don’t realize how very simple saving a buck can…
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Moms / Nutrition
By now, you have probably encountered the debate over growth hormones in food on the news, so as a concerned health-minded consumer, what do you really need to know? If you eat beef or drink cow’s milk, read the short history of recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH), below to educate…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Do you enjoy the silence? Well, if you’re a parent, especially of a young child, you likely don’t get much quiet until it’s lights out. However, there’s a lot to be said for teaching your kids to hush. Certain situations call for quiet time whether it’s in a library, in…
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Moms / Activities
Halloween may be a holiday for children, but for parents, trick-or-treat time can be a little troublesome. Nearly 40 years ago when I was younger, I remember some of my parent’s concerns like razor blades in apples or treats from Ex lax made to look like chocolate candy, and avoiding…
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