Moms / Mom Tips
Whether you’re pregnant, on maternity leave or have returned to the office after the birth of a child, you may run into coworkers who aren’t exactly excited to help support you in balancing parenting with work. But striking that work-life balance is important, primarily for you and your family, but…
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Moms / Parenting
Eating disorders are on the rise, which raises serious concern for parents. Although eating disorders normally appear during adolescence or in early adulthood, children as young as 4 have also been susceptible to body image issues that can help to trigger eating disorders. Parents should understand the signs of an…
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Moms / Mom Time
You’ve been feeling it again lately; that tug at your heart when you hold your friend’s baby or walk down the infant clothing aisle at the department store. The desire for another baby is in the air, but is it the right time to turn that longing into a reality?…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Ah, the lazy days of summer. Unlike the rest of the year, the rules change come summertime, especially when it comes to meals. If you haven’t already, it’s time to put those canned soups and raviolis and on the backburner in favor of some lighter fare. Take a vacation from…
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Moms / Mom Tips
When you’re contending with traffic congestion, nothing adds fuel to the fire like the bickering of your children. Unfortunately, there’s not a whole lot you can do to stop the madness while trying to navigate a two-ton vehicle… or is there? There are actually safe ways to contend with car…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Is every day a real nail-biter for your children? Believe it or not, nail biting is a common habit among children. According to, studies estimate that up to 60 percent of kids and teens nibble their nails down to the nubs. And while it may seem harmless, the reality…
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Moms / Mom Tips
There’s a hot hobby that has launched a thousand blogs, inspired a whole lot of classes and saved families cash on the things they buy all the time, like groceries. Maybe it’s a result of the recession, but couponing has become all the rage for moms who want to save…
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Moms / Mom Tips
No means no, even when you’re saying it to your child. For many parents, no quickly turns to maybe or even yes once they’re bombarded by cries, whines and pouts. At the time it might seem easier to give up and give in than deal with the fallout, but in…
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Moms / Mom Tips
If you’re a mom who dreads taking the kids when you run errands, then there are ways to keep them occupied and perhaps make those mundane trips learning experiences for them. For example, a grocery store excursion could become a way for them to learn about nutrition. Make comparisons among…
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Moms / Mom Tips
When it comes to building a library for your children, read between the lines. You can put together a collection without breaking your bank. It’s simply a matter of getting creative. While many parents are inclined to hit the local Barnes & Noble or Borders, it’s important to keep in…
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