August Is Immunization Awareness Month

August Is Immunization Awareness Month

Moms / Mom Tips

This is the time of year when many children enroll in school or leave the home for college. And with those enrollments come vaccinations, in many cases. The next few months will see doctors’ offices stocking up on flu shots in anticipation for the winter season. The National Institutes of…

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Mix it Up: Teaching Kids about Diversity

Mix it Up: Teaching Kids about Diversity

Moms / Mom Tips

As much as we want to teach kids to be colorblind and oblivious to other people’s differences, kids are wired to notice when people don’t look, act or live the same way they do. Even babies can recognize physical differences in people when they’re shown pictures. But what they’re not…

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A GPS for Kids: Creepy or Clever?

A GPS for Kids: Creepy or Clever?

Moms / Mom Tips

It may seem like the ultimate invasion of privacy. We’re talking about putting a tracking device on your child. Although it may seem creepy and over the top for some parents, others feel a sense of security knowing they can keep tabs on their children at all times. A child…

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Clothing Change: Spring Is Here!

Clothing Change: Spring Is Here!

Moms / Mom Tips

As the weather gets warmer, you may start to think about all the household projects that need doing. One is rotating the winter clothes out of the closet and replacing them with spring clothing. But don’t just take the winter stuff, throw it in a box and grab all of…

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Make Food Shopping a Family Affair

Make Food Shopping a Family Affair

Moms / Nutrition

Grocery stores can be crowded, difficult to navigate, and full of eye-catching displays of junk food and toys that make kids of all ages catch a serious case of the gimmes. That doesn’t mean you have to leave the kids at home. Eating is an experience families like to share,…

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Pretty Baby: Should Your Child Model?

Pretty Baby: Should Your Child Model?

Moms / Mom Tips

If you think your kid oughta be in pictures, get in line. All moms believe their kid is the most beautiful of them all, but how do you know if yours has what it takes to make it as a child model? First, decide how far you want to take…

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Maintaining Your Adult Relationships

Maintaining Your Adult Relationships

Moms / Mom Time

The old saying “everything changes once you have kids” is a truth for the ages. There’s no part of life that isn’t touched by the experience of becoming a mom. For the most part, the changes are positive, but sometimes they can be emotionally difficult. When children come into our…

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After-School Snacks to Satisfy Hungry Mouths

After-School Snacks to Satisfy Hungry Mouths

Moms / Mom Tips

“I’m hungry!” How many times a day do you hear those dreaded words? By the time most children arrive home from a long day of school, they’re likely famished. And we’re guessing your children probably aren’t much different. If you’re one of those parents who are on the never-ending quest…

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