Moms / Mom Tips
Just as much as twins are very alike, sometimes siblings raised in the same home by the same parents can be complete opposites. Birth order has been used to explain and predict these personality differences, hobbies, grades in school, earning potential and much more. But can that be possible, and…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Does the thought of shampooing and conditioning your child’s lovely locks make you want to pull your own hair out? The number of children who actually enjoy having their hair washed is few and far between. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make the normally painstaking process more fun. The…
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Moms / Mom Tips
January 1 is just two days away. A new year means a new you, right? Not so fast. How many times have you made a laundry list of New Year’s resolutions only to fall off the wagon within days? Whether it’s losing weight, quitting smoking or becoming more organized, we…
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Moms / Mom Time
Why does it so often seem like you turn around and it’s midnight when you’re raising your kids? It seems like no matter what you do sometimes, there’s still a lot more work to do by the time you are ready to go to bed. What can you do? The…
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Moms / Parenting
You’ve had the familiar pang of longing while looking at the babies of friends and family. Heck, diaper commercials may even bring a tear to your eye. But it’s not all emotions; you’ve done the math, weighed your options and decided: it’s time to have a baby. Women of childbearing…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Does your child have the write stuff? When it comes to rearing good writers, the secret lies in journaling. That’s right. Diaries may seem like a thing of the past, but there’s no denying the benefits of having you child keep a journal. For starters, journaling is a great way…
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Moms / Mom Tips
From potty training to breaking curfew, kids always find a way to challenge and sometimes completely frustrate their parents. As a mom, how can you cope with the curveballs kids will inevitably throw at you during their 18 years – or more – under your roof? First, gauge yours and…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Kids are getting played when it comes to taking a break at school. Yes, they’re there to learn reading, ‘riting and ‘rithmetic – but what about that fourth “R,” recess? Many schools are doing away with kids’ sole opportunity to give their brains a break during the day in favor…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Revamping your child’s wardrobe can be a costly endeavor, especially if you don’t have hand-me-downs to fall back on. If you’re in the market for new kiddie clothes, there are some simple money-saving strategies that will save you a buck… or $20. For starters, exhaust all of the serious saving…
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Moms / Mom Tips
The shopping bug bites pregnant or adopting women at different times, and it’s tough to know how to guide the sweet friends and family who want to celebrate the baby’s arrival with a gift. But it’s important to set up a baby registry, especially if you anticipate having a shower…
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