Is Your Kid a Crybaby?

Is Your Kid a Crybaby?

Moms / Mom Tips

It could be at a playgroup, in a restaurant or at school – your child cries at the drop of a hat. What makes some kids more sensitive than others? Kids have vastly different temperaments, and there are pros and cons for each. A stubborn child might carry that streak…

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Internet Safety Tips for Kids

Internet Safety Tips for Kids

Moms / Activities

Computers and the internet have become a way of life. Telling your kids that they can’t go on the internet is like telling them they can’t breathe. Not only has the internet become a social aspect for kids, it is also educational. Kids are expected to know their way around…

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What’s Hiding in Your Kid’s Food?

What’s Hiding in Your Kid’s Food?

Moms / Mom Tips

Are your kids getting more than the vitamins and minerals they need in their food? Likely so, if they eat a lot of processed, packaged food. Some of the most common food additives can have some pretty unsavory side effects, so it’s a good idea to check labels before buying…

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Backpack Safety: What Are the Basic Rules?

Backpack Safety: What Are the Basic Rules?

Moms / Activities

Most kids carry backpacks to school everyday, and pediatricians, physical therapists and parents are reporting increasing numbers of schoolchildren complaining of back, neck and shoulder pain, along with tingling or numbness in their arms and hands. This is being attributed to children carrying heavy loads of schoolbooks in backpacks and…

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Product Review: Skincare for Kids

Product Review: Skincare for Kids

Moms / Activities

As women, we’re inundated by ads for skincare products every day. They’re pitched to us on TV, in magazines, online and at the mall. Most of us have made a few unwise expenditures of alleged miracle creams, and came out of it wiser, more savvy shoppers. Now, as moms, we’re…

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Serve Kid-Friendly Fruit for Dinner

Serve Kid-Friendly Fruit for Dinner

Moms / Mom Tips

Watermelon soup? Pasta with strawberries? Topping a burger with kiwi? It may sound strange, but there are lots of ways to incorporate summer fruit into your dinner dishes to take advantage of antioxidants like lycopene and vitamin C. How about some plum pizza? A ready-made pizza shell brushed with a…

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Nine Things Me-Time Can Do for You

Nine Things Me-Time Can Do for You

Moms / Mom Time

Being a mom is the hardest job in the world. We wear so many hats and have so many responsibilities that are not always seen by the naked eye. We are often overwhelmed and numb to outside stimuli. At this point, not only are we hurting ourselves, but we’re doing…

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Keeping the Kids Busy When It’s Miserably Hot

Keeping the Kids Busy When It’s Miserably Hot

Moms / Parenting

Summer is a great time for children. School is out for most of them and it’s time to play. Running, climbing, building sand castles, swimming… Sweating, sunburns, complaining. It isn’t necessarily all that easy to keep the kids busy all summer long, especially on particularly hot days, the days when…

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Kids Traveling Alone? What You Need to Know

Kids Traveling Alone? What You Need to Know

Moms / Mom Tips

Perhaps little Johnny is going over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house this summer. Or maybe he’s visiting another relative or family friend. Either way, it might mean your child flying by himself. And that’s OK – as long as you review your airline’s policies and get…

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Procrastination: Stop the Madness

Procrastination: Stop the Madness

Moms / Mom Tips

Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today? We’re talking about procrastination. It’s a hard habit you want to break your child of before it ever begins. Waiting until the last minute can make a stressful situation even more harrowing. How many times have you burned the midnight…

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