Moms / Mom Tips
Many expectant mothers have seen their due date come and go, only to still be pregnant and miserable. The only upside to going past that date is freaking out strangers when they ask when you’re due. Aside from being admitted to the hospital and undergoing an induction — a process…
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Moms / Mom Tips
It doesn’t matter whether Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow or not – you’ll more than likely see your fair share of chilly temperatures between now and spring. It’s the perfect time to revisit your child’s winter wardrobe and make sure you have everything you need to ensure your children survive…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Computers are an indispensable tool for older children, but when should parents start teaching their children computer skills? Many experts say that age two isn’t too early. At age two, educators say that kids have the hand-eye coordination and attention span to enjoy supervised computer time. There are programs online…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Still thinking of resolutions to make in the new year? Many adults resolve to lose weight, get more organized or make other promises. But why not make resolutions that benefit you and your family? If a resolution will make you a better parent, then there are a few you might…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Move over, Man Cave. Personal space is getting more stylish and catering to the feminine side of things. But is it even possible for moms to get away from it all in their own homes? Ask yourself that same question when you watch your man kick back with his favorite…
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Moms / Nutrition
For large families or busy parents with no time to cook every night, bulk cooking can be a lifesaver. Not only is bulk cooking a huge timesaver, but it can also be economical and cut down on wasted leftovers. With smart planning and the right recipe ideas, you can have…
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Moms / Nutrition
As a parent, you have a strong influence over how much fast food your child eats. Find out how to set some guidelines to follow when eating out that will teach them how to make healthy choices as adults. In the ‘olden days’ there were no video games or televisions….
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Moms / Mom Tips
Summer means it’s time to enjoy fresh, locally grown fruits, veggies and other homegrown goodies. Take advantage of the season and make a visit to the farmer’s market fun and educational for the kids. As they have a choice in the foods they’re served, they’ll be more encouraged to get…
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Moms / Mom Tips
This is a time of year when kids are called upon to give thanks, but many don’t truly know how to express gratitude. Thanksgiving is a great time to teach children why it’s important to give of themselves and to say thank you, regardless of the time of year. Incorporating…
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Moms / Mom Time
Who says you have to sweat it out at the gym to stay in shape? Moms can sneak in fitness just about anywhere even if they have a chaotic household with little ones under foot. Doing activities with your kids is the easiest way to fit some exercise into your…
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