Moms / Mom Tips
In case you hadn’t figured it out from your own childhood, best friends forever is just a myth. Face it — kids fight and they don’t always fight fair. At some point during their childhood, your son or daughter is going to get in an argument with a classmate, neighbor…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Whether you celebrate Hanukkah or not, there are some fun ways to incorporate the holiday into your family life. So why not try giving these games a spin? Of course, no Hanukkah holiday would be complete without a game of dreidel. In order to play, you’ll need a dreidel and…
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Moms / Activities
If times have been better financially and you’re staring spring in the face with a house full of kids wondering what on earth you’re going to do with them on your days off, don’t worry. There are plenty of things you can do that don’t have to break the bank…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Whether it’s a nursery that needs updating as your child gets older or your teen needs a grown-up take on his childhood room, an entirely new room can break the bank. But a whole new look can be had on the cheap, and the number-one low-cost item that can transform…
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Moms / Mom Time
Imagine you run into a high school friend whom you haven’t seen in 20 years; you hug, you quickly play catch-up and she says; “You haven’t changed a bit!” It’s easy to take that as a compliment, particularly if you were prom queen and head of the cheerleading squad, but…
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Moms / Mom Tips
Dining out with a little one can be a disaster – and usually is, for some parents. But it doesn’t have to be an awful experience when you take your child out to eat. You can foster that same adventurous spirit that you might have for culinary experiences in your…
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Moms / Mom Tips
No one is perfect, and that fact becomes even more obvious when you become a parent. It’s tough not to hold yourself up to traditional mom role models, like June Cleaver, but even June Cleaver wasn’t that perfect. She just didn’t have “experts” like Dr. Phil and Oprah telling her…
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Moms / Nutrition
The options for drinks seem to be at an all time high with energy and sport drinks, new flavored sodas, tropical fruit juices, fancy vitamin water, and even water with protein appealing to all ages. Sodas and sport drinks, however, can have as much as 13 teaspoons of added sugar….
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Moms / Mom Tips
Team sports are a great way for kids to learn the lessons of teamwork, problem-solving and simply how much fun it is to exercise and get some fresh air. But the example that some sports moms and dads are setting are far from ones that are appropriate. Did you know…
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Moms / Mom Tips
There are those people who have their kids’ Halloween costumes planned out months in advance, and then there are those who wait until the very last minute. If you’re still searching for a costume this close to the Halloween, you probably fall into the latter category. The good news is…
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