Moms / Parenting
In order for us to get restful sleep, we need to be relaxed. In order to relax, a number of things have to happen. First of all, we need to feel safe and secure. Obviously, if there is tension in the house – abuse, parents rowing, problems with finances or…
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Moms / Parenting
A typical issue that parents face is dealing with their children’s behaviors. Let’s say you are a parent of a five year old child that has just started school. She was a polite, considerate, and helpful young lady at home and in front of her teachers. However, her behavior has…
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Moms / Parenting
“High blood pressure in kids? That’s what my grandmother has!” Nearly 2 out of 3 American adults have unhealthy blood pressure. Hypertension, or high blood pressure (HBP), cuts off nearly 5 years from an average person’s life. It is more common beyond middle age. Hence, what comes to mind when…
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Moms / Parenting
Preschool education is a hot topic among parents and early childhood educators today. If you are the parent of a preschooler (or younger child) you need to ask yourself why you should care about preschool learning. There are three key reasons why you should not only concern yourself with your…
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Moms / Parenting
Sex, drugs and alcohol — these are subjects you’ll want to talk about with your children before there is a problem. As a family, you can establish boundaries and consequences and come to a common understanding of what is acceptable. Sex: According to Advocates for Youth, statistics indicate that children…
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Moms / Parenting
Raising your children is the most important task you and your partner will ever share. As parents, you have the responsibility of making decisions about your children’s education, healthcare, and countless other vital aspects of life. Parents don’t always agree on how to raise their kids, and this can sometimes…
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Moms / Parenting
Young, wild, and free … isn’t that what it’s supposed to feel like to be a teenager? While it’s normal for teens to push and discover their limits, it’s also dangerous. Due in large part to the fact that parenting decisions are only as sound as the information on which…
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Moms / Parenting
“Mommy, Mommy, I want to have a play date with Jessica today,” your daughter says in a whiny voice while pulling at your brand-new, expensive shirt. “Today is not a good day; Mommy has to go to the doctor,” you say. Your daughter drops to the ground, screaming and yelling…
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Moms / Parenting
If you haven’t taken a peek into your medicine cabinet lately, it might be time to take a look. Every home should have basic supplies to help with minor accidents or middle-of-the-night illnesses. A medicine cabinet should also have important phone numbers taped inside of the door to call in…
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Moms / Parenting
Child discipline and logical consequences demand you learn to think before you act. You take the time you need. You get your feelings under control. You come up with a simple plan. You execute that plan. When kids are careless, rage can explode and it can feel great. Later shame…
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