How To Talk To Your Kids About Sex, Drugs & Alcohol

How To Talk To Your Kids About Sex, Drugs & Alcohol

Moms / Parenting

Sex, drugs and alcohol — these are subjects you’ll want to talk about with your children before there is a problem. As a family, you can establish boundaries and consequences and come to a common understanding of what is acceptable. Sex: According to Advocates for Youth, statistics indicate that children…

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How to Bring Up Your Children to Become Excellent

How to Bring Up Your Children to Become Excellent

Moms / Parenting

Childhood years are the best times to learn. Somehow, a person’s comprehension is at its peak during childhood. Parents should take advantage of these learning years to ingrain the values of life in their children. If you’re a parent, teach them positive habits so that they will know and see…

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Bad Behavior – Is it just a Phase?

Bad Behavior – Is it just a Phase?

Moms / Parenting

A typical issue that parents face is dealing with their children’s behaviors. Let’s say you are a parent of a five year old child that has just started school. She was a polite, considerate, and helpful young lady at home and in front of her teachers. However, her behavior has…

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Preparing Your Child for a New Sibling

Preparing Your Child for a New Sibling

Moms / Parenting

“Mommy, Mommy, I want to have a play date with Jessica today,” your daughter says in a whiny voice while pulling at your brand-new, expensive shirt. “Today is not a good day; Mommy has to go to the doctor,” you say. Your daughter drops to the ground, screaming and yelling…

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Basic Tips to Be a Great Parent

Basic Tips to Be a Great Parent

Moms / Parenting

It is important that we discipline in a way that teaches responsibility by motivating our children internally, to build their self-esteem and make them feel loved. If our children are disciplined in this respect, they will not have a need to turn to gangs, drugs, or sex to feel powerful…

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Is Santa Real? What to Tell the Kids

Is Santa Real? What to Tell the Kids

Moms / Parenting

I learned the truth about Santa Claus from our big brother. I was skeptical at first, so we sneaked out to my grandparents’ trailer and he showed me all the gifts we had asked Santa to bring. He was telling the truth! My brother had somehow stumbled upon an amazing…

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Imperfect Parenting

Imperfect Parenting

Moms / Parenting

Shortly after having my first baby, I decided I was going to be the perfect parent. I immediately began to keep an intelligent library of child-rearing books on my nightstand and would replenish the stock as each book was absorbed into my sub-consciousness and checked off the “read” list. My…

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How To Get Children to Sleep

How To Get Children to Sleep

Moms / Parenting

In order for us to get restful sleep, we need to be relaxed. In order to relax, a number of things have to happen. First of all, we need to feel safe and secure. Obviously, if there is tension in the house – abuse, parents rowing, problems with finances or…

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3 Things You Should Never Do for Your Kids

3 Things You Should Never Do for Your Kids

Moms / Parenting

As parents, we only want the best for our children. But sometimes our judgment is clouded, and our actions can actually impede our kids’ progress. By nature, we want to see our children succeed, even if it means giving them a gentle nudge. Unfortunately for some parents, that nudge often…

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