Do You Resent Your Partner?

Do You Resent Your Partner?

Moms / Parenting

Have you ever felt a deep pang of irritation at something involving your spouse? Has that irritation progressed to a gnawing anger that you harbor for days, months, even years? Welcome to the world of spousal resentment. Luckily, you don’t have to stay angry forever. defines resentment as “the…

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Keeping the Kids Busy When It’s Miserably Hot

Keeping the Kids Busy When It’s Miserably Hot

Moms / Parenting

Summer is a great time for children. School is out for most of them and it’s time to play. Running, climbing, building sand castles, swimming… Sweating, sunburns, complaining. It isn’t necessarily all that easy to keep the kids busy all summer long, especially on particularly hot days, the days when…

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Product Review: First-Aid Kits

Product Review: First-Aid Kits

Moms / Parenting

Scraped knees, nosebleeds or beestings can occur at any given moment and send you running for a first-aid kit. Moms know that when it comes to accidents, they can happen anywhere and at anytime. But you don’t have to fear being unprepared if you have a high-quality first-aid kit on…

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Discipline Versus Punishment

Discipline Versus Punishment

Moms / Parenting

Do you know the difference between discipline and punishment with their Latin roots? Punishment implies inflicting pain, while discipline means to teach. Parents who use punishment are missing important opportunities to teach their children better behaviors and help them self-discipline. Children can actually be taught responsible behaviors to help them…

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Medicine Cabinet Must-Haves

Medicine Cabinet Must-Haves

Moms / Parenting

If you haven’t taken a peek into your medicine cabinet lately, it might be time to take a look. Every home should have basic supplies to help with minor accidents or middle-of-the-night illnesses. A medicine cabinet should also have important phone numbers taped inside of the door to call in…

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iParenting: There’s an App for That!

iParenting: There’s an App for That!

Moms / Parenting

It used to be that parents were skeptical when it came to their kids using cell phones. The technology seemed too grown up for kids and teens, and the possibilities of them having instant secret communication with their friends sparked concerns about all kinds of trouble. Today, all that is…

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Your House’s Danger Zones

Your House’s Danger Zones

Moms / Parenting

While you don’t want to be a high-strung parent who is paranoid of danger lurking behind every corner, it is critical to your child’s safety and well-being that you educate yourself about your house’s danger zones. It’s a good idea to go through your home every few months and evaluate…

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