Caretaking Parents, Entitled Kids

Caretaking Parents, Entitled Kids

Moms / Parenting

Demanding children – children who have entitlement issues – seem to be common these days. Like the obnoxious child, Veruca Salt in Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory, who was constantly demanding that her father get her whatever she wanted (“I want an Umpa Lumpa! Get it for me NOW!”),…

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Mistakes Giving Children Medications Are Avoidable

Mistakes Giving Children Medications Are Avoidable

Moms / Parenting

Parents, family, and child care professionals devote themselves to the welfare of children. Yet, even with love and devotion, 80 percent of deaths of children under five-years of age are avoidable. More then half of those deaths are caused by mistakes in the administration of medications given to benefit the…

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How to Recognize Signs of an Eating Disorder

How to Recognize Signs of an Eating Disorder

Moms / Parenting

Eating disorders are on the rise, which raises serious concern for parents. Although eating disorders normally appear during adolescence or in early adulthood, children as young as 4 have also been susceptible to body image issues that can help to trigger eating disorders. Parents should understand the signs of an…

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10 Simple Tips to Make Children Become Smarter

10 Simple Tips to Make Children Become Smarter

Moms / Parenting

A supportive situation fosters numerous aspects of intelligence. The following 10 easy ways to stimulate intelligence in children will provide an “enriched environment” for brain growth. One: Love and Self-Esteem Improve Educational Performance In a extensive series of experiments, Prescott Lecky, an American educational researcher, found a high correlation between…

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5 Ways to Get Lazy Dads to Help More!

5 Ways to Get Lazy Dads to Help More!

Moms / Parenting

Being a parent can be chaotic enough, but having a spouse who’s reluctant to help with the kids and chores can really up the stress meter. Dividing chores and responsibilities is one of the challenges of living with a partner, and not surprisingly, it’s one of the things couples bicker…

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Discipline Versus Punishment

Discipline Versus Punishment

Moms / Parenting

Do you know the difference between discipline and punishment with their Latin roots? Punishment implies inflicting pain, while discipline means to teach. Parents who use punishment are missing important opportunities to teach their children better behaviors and help them self-discipline. Children can actually be taught responsible behaviors to help them…

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Can You Stay Home?

Can You Stay Home?

Moms / Parenting

One of the first things you have to figure out when you realize that you want to stay home with your kids is whether or not you can afford to do so. You are probably used to living on two incomes, so making the switch to a single income may…

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