Give Yourself a Bust Lift Naturally

Give Yourself a Bust Lift Naturally

Style & Beauty / Beauty tips

If you feel like you must, you must…increase the firmness of your bust, then there are a few things you can do before rushing to the plastic surgeon and demanding a breast lift. Saggy breasts are caused by many factors – heredity, pregnancy and age all contribute to that droop….

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When It’s Time to Toss Makeup

When It’s Time to Toss Makeup

Style & Beauty / Beauty tips

You probably wouldn’t eat food past its expiration date, so why put expired makeup on your lips and the rest of your face? It may surprise you, but just like food, makeup has expiration dates. The trick is to know how quickly your products expire and to keep track of…

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How to Fix Broken Cosmetics

How to Fix Broken Cosmetics

Style & Beauty / Beauty tips

Beauty products are expensive, and it’s frustrating when a lipstick breaks, an eyeshadow shatters or nail polish tops just won’t come undone. So if you have butterfingers and dropped a pressed powder eye shadow or blush on the tile, listen up. Don’t throw out the compact. Grab a plastic sandwich…

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Spa Treatments with A-Peel

Spa Treatments with A-Peel

Style & Beauty / Beauty tips

Regardless of your age, you may have heard the buzz about facial peels and microdermabrasion. It sounds painful, but what’s the real story behind these spa mainstays? And is it safe? There are two ways to undergo the processes: at home or administered by a certified esthetician in a spa,…

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Little Ways to Look Polished

Little Ways to Look Polished

Style & Beauty / Beauty tips

It’s the little things that make us shine throughout the day. So don’t let the details pass you by when it comes to looking polished and pretty, even when you’re not all that worried about how you look. When you have the little things taken care of, then it contributes…

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Oat What a Feeling! Oatmeal Facial Mask

Oat What a Feeling! Oatmeal Facial Mask

Style & Beauty / Beauty tips

Everybody knows that oatmeal is a superfood. The fiber-rich food is a source of vitamin E, zinc, magnesium, iron, copper, selenium and protein. Because it’s rich in soluble and insoluble fiber, it can fight cancer, heart disease and other deadly ailments. What most people fail to realize is that oatmeal…

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The Power of Pink

The Power of Pink

Style & Beauty / Beauty tips

It’s October, and that means it’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month. So when you’re out and about, you might see a lot of pink items for sale in the stores. But before you snap up pink beauty products in the hopes that the product manufacturers will contribute to the cause while…

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Will You Age Well?

Will You Age Well?

Style & Beauty / Beauty tips

You may not want to hear it, but one day, your youthful visage may disappear. But it doesn’t have to be anytime soon, especially when you know how to reduce the signs of aging. First, here are a few ways to know when that day might come. Your facial features…

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