Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
Women will go to great lengths to improve the texture of their skin and stave off the anti-aging process. So great, in fact, that it seems some will apply the most unconventional – and nastiest — substances under the sun to find the fountain of youth again. We all know…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
They get paid to look great at all times, so it’s worth paying attention when a star throws out some beauty advice. Here are some great tips from some of the most glam girls in Hollywood. Dermatologists point to one star in particular when they talk about enviable skin, and…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
There’s probably nothing more relaxing than soaking in a hot, fragrant bath. Make the most of this “me” time by using the right products for your skin and for maximum attitude adjustment! Baths are especially therapeutic for skin conditions such as itching, sunburns, psoriasis, poison ivy and many more. Choosing…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
Does the mere mention of hot oil treatments give you flashbacks of the ’80s? Well, take heart — and heat — these hair care treatments are still alive and well and exactly what your badly-damaged ‘do may need. If you’ve flat-ironed, blow-dried and colored your hair to death, a hot…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
It seems like lint makes its mark at the most inopportune times. It goes without saying that having a lint remover or lint brush on hand is probably the most effective way for removing unwanted hair, dirt or fuzz from clothes. Some people even invest in an electric lint remover,…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
Melanoma – a type of skin cancer – is one of the deadliest cancers, and it can be prevented or at least caught early. People most at risk of developing this type of skin cancer are those with fair skin, those who have a lot of moles, a family history…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
It seems like once the days start getting shorter and the temperatures drop, your skin starts losing its healthy summer glow and getting sapped of its moisture. When things move indoors for the winter, dry heat can exacerbate the problem, making skin dry, flaky and rough. But there are a…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
Busy women expect a lot out of their manicures, and they should. We want a color that is on trend for the season and that we love. And we want a formula that dries quickly, looks great and is long-lasting, while being easy on the wallet. Does such a dream…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
Whether it’s an homage to an ex-lover, a drunken whim or an impediment to landing a job, you may have second thoughts about getting your tattoo. It’s estimated that up to 50 percent of those who get inked regret it later on, but unlike most things in life, tattoos are…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
If the stuff you use to clean your tresses is unavailable, inconvenient, environmentally unfriendly or just plain doesn’t work, then it may be time to switch to a shampoo alternative. There are a lot of products out there in the “no ‘poo” revolution, so here’s a look at the offerings….
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