Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
While not many men may enjoy some of the grooming rituals they must undergo, sometimes it’s necessary to do a little maintenance when it comes to hygiene and grooming. Most men shower and shave, but they’re missing a few key steps that could raise their game and make a difference…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
A haircut can do a lot for you – make you more confident, frame your face just so, accent your makeup and clothes…and even turn back the clock. That’s right. There are hairstyles can actually make you look younger. Follow these guidelines for styling your hair effortlessly and shaving off…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
Whatever you feel might be a physical flaw is probably fixable — if you’re willing to go under the knife or take other drastic measures. Botox is an injection of a foodborne toxin; microdermabrasion and chemical peels take off a layer of skin. So is there anything more gentle and…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
If the stuff you use to clean your tresses is unavailable, inconvenient, environmentally unfriendly or just plain doesn’t work, then it may be time to switch to a shampoo alternative. There are a lot of products out there in the “no ‘poo” revolution, so here’s a look at the offerings….
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
If you can empathize with Nora Ephron, who wrote the book I Feel Bad About My Neck, then there’s a new noninvasive cosmetic procedure that can tighten up that turkey neck. Instead of having a nip and a tuck under your chin to get rid of that undesireable extra skin…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
Finding extra income in this economic downturn has led many women to look into selling jewelry and cosmetics for a little extra cash. But is it for you and your family? First, do your research. Find companies that allow you to sell their product, and then start examining whether you…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
Thin, high arches for brows? Pluck that. Embrace this season’s look, which hearkens back to the days of Brooke Shields and her bushy brows. Women once plucked those patches of hair above their eyes to within an inch of their lives, using a pencil to draw a hard line where…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
Do you get the lip service you’re looking for from your favorite pucker color? If not, then there are a few ways to make that perfect kisser last longer. Start by priming your lips and getting them in the best condition you can. The most effective way to do this…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
If you’re one of the brave people who ventures out for a little post-Thanksgiving shopping on Black Friday, then you may want to put something more than TVs, toys and holiday decor on your list. There are lots of glam and gorgeous purchases you can make to make you –…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
When you’re looking at either skipping the workout or skipping the shower, then of course, the best option for your body is to eschew the post-workout shower. But it may not be so great for your coworkers or other people who spend time in close quarters with you post-workout. So…
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