Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
What will the well-heeled be wearing as the weather finally turns cooler? Here are some classic looks in footwear that will carry you through the fall and beyond. First, get used to those platforms and wedges. In the summer, it was all about sandals, and that heel will be seen…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
There are so many reasons to avoid the salon. It’s expensive, time-consuming and can be boring, especially when you feel like you need to go every six weeks or so. But there are ways to delay the inevitable. First, start in the shower. A good-quality shampoo formula that’s tailored to…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
How many times have you chosen what seems like the perfect outfit…yet something still just isn’t right about the way it looks? It could be what’s under the clothing that’s ruining your look. Take a peek in your underwear drawer to see if you have the perfect undergarments to go…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
You’ve seen the commercials and wondered, “How DO they get their hair so soft, shiny and manageable?” Many experts agree that getting “Pantene hair” boils down to one thing: conditioner. Moisturizing your hair is an important step in keeping it manageable, shiny and frizz-free. The good news is that it…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
You’ve seen the exorbitant price tags in the boutiques and department stores. But do brands like 7 for All Mankind, Joe’s Jeans, True Religion…the list goes on – have any business charging so much for what others sell for a more reasonable cost? The short answer is – not really….
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
Thinking about going over to the light side? There are a few things you should know about dyeing your hair blonde before you make an appointment or grab a bottle of color. First, take your own natural haircolor into account before choosing to go blonde. People who have very dark…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
Your future is so bright you’ve got to wear shades. With summer right around the corner, the hottest trends in sunglass fashion have already hit the stores. Here’s looking at you kid! Talk about a style that’s the cat’s meow. Cat Eye sunglasses are flying off the shelves. We’re talking…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
Does it look like the BP oil spill could have occurred… on your head? We’re talking about lifeless locks that appear drenched in oil. No matter how long you wait, greasy hair will never be en vogue. The worst part is that you can step out of the shower and…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
When it comes to your hair’s texture, whether it’s curly, straight, frizzy or somewhere in between, whether or not it absorbs water and other humectants may determine how easy it is to style and what kind of products you should use on your tresses. Many people with chemical treatments, such…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
Here’s an eye-opening fact on getting some shut-eye. A recent study published in the British Medical Journal found that people who don’t get enough sleep actually look less attractive, less healthy and more tired that their well-rested counterparts. Researcher John Axelsson says that getting those Zzzzz’s is one of the…
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