Style & Beauty / Fashion
The modern woman often has a demanding job and a busy social life. How does she effortlessly go from a day full of meetings to a dinner date? There are 3 keys to making a seamless transition from day to night. 1. Choose Clothing with Versatility The first thing to…
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Style & Beauty / Fashion
Ah, bra shopping … the joys. If the first thing that comes to your mind is super feminine floral print dressing rooms and long lines of rather somber-looking females that extend out into the far reaches of the store, well, you might not be too far off. For some of…
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Style & Beauty / Fashion
Jeans are a wardrobe staple for every woman. Unfortunately, jeans are also one of the most challenging pieces of clothing for which to shop. But with the right mindset and a few simple strategies in place, shopping for jeans can actually be productive and fun. Viva Variety: Allow Enough Dressing…
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