Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
Bad hair days were made for ponytails, braids and whatever other bad-hair-concealing hairdos that are fast and easy. But instead of just throwing your hair up in a blah ‘do, give it a little pizzazz and ward off those bad-hair blues with a few tricks and pretty accessories. If the…
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Style & Beauty / Fashion
Whether you’re a fashionista or a style novice, it’s important to wear colors that work with your skin tone and hair color. That means that you need to start at the beginning and determine what colors work for you. Figuring out the colors that best compliment your colors and features…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
If you feel like you must, you must…increase the firmness of your bust, then there are a few things you can do before rushing to the plastic surgeon and demanding a breast lift. Saggy breasts are caused by many factors – heredity, pregnancy and age all contribute to that droop….
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
Lots of stars shill for beauty brands, but did you know many of them have their own cosmetics, clothing, and even food and drink lines? For a reality star who needs to extend her 15 minutes of fame, slapping her name on a label might just be the ticket. But…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
With less money to spend on more expensive clothing, people are looking for ways to pinch pennies and get the most bang for their wardrobe buck. That’s why secondhand stores and thrift stores are thriving. And we’re not talking about rifling through racks and racks of decades-old, dusty clothes. Consignment…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
It’s possible to get fit while looking fashionable. The secret is making a small investment into the hottest hair accessories, designed with your workout in mind. While cheap elastics are the old standby for most women, some female athletes want a hair accessory with a little more substance. That’s where…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty
Saying that the flu is inconvenient is putting it lightly, the flu is terrible! Even if you were vaccinated against the disease in previous years, you can still get sick as the virus changes and mutates. Worst of all, there’s no way of knowing when you’re going to get sick….
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
Men typically spend less time taking care of their skin than women, yet they tend to spend more time outdoors. Skin gets windblown, sunburned and abused in general, then it’s also subjected to the irritation of shaving. Men even have a higher rate of melanoma, the most lethal form of…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
Tired of being a flake? Face it, dandruff is disgusting. Also known as seborrheic dermatitis, dandruff is the thick, flaky scales that form on the scalp. It is supposedly caused by inflammation and is a common form of the skin disorder eczema. With dandruff, skin cells fall off before they…
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Style & Beauty / Beauty tips
From proms to weddings, the French Manicure seems to be the go-to style for women everywhere. For some though, the trend seems to become tiresome over time. While always elegant, the French can become a bit boring week after week. If you’re one of those women who refuses to stray…
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