Clothing Change: Spring Is Here!

As the weather gets warmer, you may start to think about all the household projects that need doing. One is rotating the winter clothes out of the closet and replacing them with spring clothing. But don’t just take the winter stuff, throw it in a box and grab all of last year’s duds to take their place. First, go through the winter clothing. Toss stained, torn or otherwise unusable clothes, or fashion them into those cleaning rags that you’ll need for the rest of the house. Take the clothing that’s already outgrown or will be in the fall when it’s time to swap out the warm-weather clothes. Either give it to a younger sibling for hand-me-downs, donate it to Goodwill or plan a yard sale or sell it to a consignment shop to make a profit from it. Next, inventory the spring clothing that you packed away or moved to another area of the house. Go through the same process of tossing, trying on and selling. Fold winter clothing neatly and don’t forget about boots and other footwear that won’t be needed in the warmer months. Don’t forget to take a look in the underwear and sock drawers to see if those basics need replacing, and remember the pajama drawer as well.
Check winter fleece and heavier pajamas for holes and stains, as you did for the clothing. Pack away the heavier stuff and bring out the lighter night shirts, gowns, and short-sleeved pajamas. As you hang the spring clothing, take notice of the things your child may need. Good spring staples include graphic t-shirts, jeans, capris and sundresses for girls, light cardigans or hoodies , sundresses and t-shirt dresses for girls, and cargo shorts. Outerwear and footwear for spring might include a light jacket, raincoat, rain boots, flip-flops and a sturdy pair of sneakers. As kids grow, it’s likely clothing won’t last more than a season or two before it’s outgrown, so don’t worry too much about investing in expensive clothing. Basics from Old Navy and Children’s Place are items that are quality and will go the distance for a season or two. Best of all, they’re inexpensive and can be found online or in stores on sale. Two-for-one specials are common, and styles can be mixed and matched in your kid’s favorite combinations.