Contending with Cold Sores: The Dos and Don’ts

Want to give unsightly cold sores the kiss off? Contending with cold stores is never easy. Cold sores, aka fever blisters, are caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 infection. Cold sores usually last between 10 and 14 days and are usually preceded by pain or tingling in the area. Once that occurs, a fluid-filled blister forms around the mouth. In addition to being an embarrassing eyesore, cold sores can be downright painful. Many physicians prescribe lidocaine for pain relief and zilactin to lessen the flare ups. There are also a host of oral medications including Valtrex, Famvir and other drugs that reduce the sentence while relieving the pain if taken early on. Other treatment plans include alternating between ice packs and warm compresses and using ointments such as lidocaine and benzocaine for discomfort. One of the major no-nos is messing with the sore. As tempting as it may be, don’t ever squeeze, pinch or pick at a blister.
It will only make things worse. Toss your toothbrush, which can carry the virus. Always apply sunblock to eliminate the risk for sun-induced cold sores. Use one that has an SPF of 15 or higher. Lipsticks with sunscreen will also do the job. Wash your hands immediately after you touch the sore and never touch your eyes. Because cold sores can spread the virus easily, also avoid kissing or sharing cups with others. Among the triggers of a cold sore are dental work, fatigue, stress, sunburn and infections. To avoid coming down with a cold sore, eat healthy, exercise and get plenty of sleep. Also avoid acidic and salty foods, which can make matters worse. Another at-home remedy that most people aren’t aware of is the power of glycrrhizic acid, which is found in licorice. Some people swear by it – so invest in a bag of licorice made with licorice mass. You might also purchase some licorice powder and sprinkle it on the sore.