Demystifying the Big O: Does It Exist?

The female orgasm is a subject that has received plenty of attention from scientists. In fact, it seems as though you can’t go a week without hearing conflicting reports about whether the G-spot exists or if it is made up.
However, from arguments about whether the Big O is real to different theories regarding the reason for the female orgasm, it is obvious that there is still an aura of mystery surrounding women’s bodies.
The answer to the question “do orgasms exist?” depends on the person you ask. According to an ABC News report, 75% of women have never reached orgasm from intercourse alone, while 10% to15% have never climaxed, even with additional stimulus (such as hands, mouth, etc). This is compared with the 98% of men who claim they always achieve an orgasm during sex.
Women who have never experienced an orgasm can feel like something is wrong with them; in fact, this is seen time and time again on Internet forums and Yahoo answers. Even women who can climax with additional help may feel odd for not having an orgasm during penetrative sex. However, everyone’s body is different and people experience pleasure in a number of ways.
Anatomy of an Orgasm
To understand the orgasm, you must first learn about the female anatomy. The clitoris, located on the outside of the body, and the vagina play a key role in the female orgasm. While stimulating other areas of the body, such as the breasts, may result in arousal, special attention must be paid to the genitals in order to reach climax.
During foreplay and intercourse, you may begin to feel lightheaded; this is because of a rush of blood to your clitoris and vagina. Next, your vagina walls will begin to secrete lubrication to prepare for penetration. As you become more aroused, blood will continue to flow to your pelvis, your vagina will narrow, your breathing will speed up, and your heart rate will increase.
The orgasm occurs when the muscle and nerve tension in the pelvis, genitals, and thighs is released all at once in a series of waves. You may feel a number of contractions in the vagina, uterus, and anus; 3 to 5 contractions for a small orgasm and 10 to 15 for a large climax.
Your brain may also be affected by an orgasm, as researchers at the Netherland’s University of Groningen have found that parts of the brain that control emotion and fear switch off during climax.
Types of Orgasms
Dr. Sigmund Freud was the first to suggest that women could experience 2 types of orgasms: clitoral and vaginal. Under his theory, clitoral orgasms are achieved by emotionally immature females, while women who are more sexually evolved are able to experience a vaginal orgasm.
Alfred Kinsey–a noted sex researcher–challenged Freud’s claim, stating that females could only have 1 type of orgasm regardless of which part of the body is stimulated. Still other sex experts argue that there are 3 types of orgasms: clitoral, vaginal, and blended.
Kinsey’s research revealed that some women are able to experience an orgasm-a “dreamgasm”, if you will-during their sleep. In fact, his 1953 study showed that 37% of his female subjects had experienced dreams resulting in orgasm by the time they reached 45 years of age. In this case, women who experience sleep orgasms have them an average of 3 to 4 times a year.
The G-Spot
You may have heard of the elusive G-Spot. The rumors regarding this erogenous zone, located on the anterior wall of the vagina, state that stimulation of the G-Spot will result in intense orgasms and pleasure. However, many scientists today argue that it does not exist.
The G-Spot was first discovered by Ernst Grafenberg, a German gynecologist, while performing research on urethral stimulation. This area was named after the doctor in a 1981 study on female ejaculation.
Using ultrasonography, researchers at the University of L’Aquila found that women who are able to have vaginal orgasms typically have thicker tissue in the front of the vaginal wall, allowing scientists to confirm whether or not a woman has a G-Spot.
The G-Spot is believed to be a bean-shaped area with spongy tissue of the paraurethral gland, which is similar to the male prostate. Composed of erectile tissue, this area swells when blood rushes to it during arousal. While the G-Spot is smaller than a quarter, it feels rougher than the tissue surrounding it.
To find your G-Spot, you or your partner should insert a finger into your vagina and feel along your front wall (facing your stomach) with your finger slightly crooked. If you feel a rough or ridged area, chances are that you have found your G-Spot.
Achieving a G-Spot orgasm can be difficult, especially in the missionary position (unless a pillow or wedge is used). Many sexperts recommend the woman-on-top or doggy style positions if you want to obtain a G-Spot orgasm.
Orgasm Tips
If you are like one of the many women who have yet to have an orgasm, do not be discouraged. There are a number of tips and techniques that can help you reach climax, whether you are alone or with a partner.
You may have heard the old saying about men being like light switches-just flip them on and they are ready to go. However, women are more like boiling water, as it takes them longer to heat up. Keep this in mind before having sex. If you have difficulties climaxing, your partner should take more time during foreplay to ensure you are aroused.
Prolonged clitoral stimulation is the key for many women. When your partner uses his hands, mouth, or even toys on your clitoris, this will increase tension that will ultimately result in an orgasm. Remember that each woman is different, and it may take some time to determine what works for you.
Stress can also affect your ability to climax. Feeling confident about your body and taking time to wind down can help you achieve an orgasm during intercourse.