Like most online diet sites, has a free diet profile that includes a personality quiz from Dr. Robert Kushner, a board certified physician in internal medicine and nutrition. Based on the results of the diagnostic quiz, is able to create a weight loss program targeted to the member’s wants and needs.
Based on the personality quiz, dieters are broken down into seven types of eaters.
– Meal Skipper – Eating without focusing on what or when you are eating.- Nighttime Nibbler – Eating most of your daily food at night.- Convenient Diner – Eating convenience foods rather than fresh foods.- Fruitless Feaster – Enjoying a meat and potato diet without veggies and fruit.- Steady Snacker – Hungry or not, Snacking throughout the day.- Hearty Portioner – Enjoying portions that are too big for your needs.- Swing Eater – Eating “good” in public and “bad” alone.
Once you have finished the profile and sign up for a membership, you will receive a program that’s geared to your eating type.
With a community of more than 500,000 members, offers recipes, 24/7 peer support, weight loss challenges, prizes, diet tools, advice from a team of diet, fitness and medical professionals, and much more. And it’s all free to register.
For less than $2.50 a week, dieters get a full-blown customized diet program that includes nutrition and fitness guidelines, suggested meals, emotional support, a dining out guide, weekly emails from Dr. Kushner, along with private consultation with Dr. Kushner via email. The Personality Type Diet approach used by Dr. Kushner has been implemented at the Wellness Institute at the Northwestern Memorial Hospital.
Patients who have followed the program have shed between 15 to 20 percent of their body weight. With, there is a lot of support boards where members congregate to share the ups and downs of dieting. Members have tools to create their own personal diet blogs through which they can journal their experiences.
There are diet and fitness videos for more in-depth guidance, as well as reviews on everything from supplements to equipment to clothing. A virtual storehouse for diet resources, is loaded with everything you need to drop those extra pounds. It is still up to the dieter to do the hard work. promises a 30-day money back guarantee if you are not happy with the results you’re seeing. Advantage: Get your FREE Diet Personality Assessment today!