Sonoma Diet

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ImageThe Sonoma Diet is offered as both a New York Times Bestseller and on the internet where clients receive their own individual version of the plan. The Sonoma Diet consists of three phases known as "Waves." In the initial wave, you'll begin weeding out sugars, refined flour products and other unhealthy foods that have packed on the pounds.

Wave 2 is the phase where you will stay in until you have reached your goal weight. The emphasis in Wave 2 is both health and pleasure.

Wave 3 is the maintainance phase where dieters indulge in Sonoma-friendly foods while occasionally feasting on snacks and desserts that are off the plan. Ironically, portion size plays an important role in helping people get a handle on their waistline. The typical plate should be heavy with vegetables and grains and complimented by lean meat. Inventors of the Sonoma Diet encourage their disciples to use a seven-inch plate or a two-cup bowl for breakfast, and a nine-inch plate for lunch and dinner.

With the online version of the Sonoma Diet, members can peruse more than 500 recipes and 14 online tools. They are given shopping lists and meal plans, along with a weight tracker and food diary to keep track of their weight loss endeavors.