Find Your Partner In Whine

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Bitch-Buddy Guidelines

Here are some guidelines to help you partner with your bitch-buddy in the most productive and effective ways.

First, decide who your bitch-buddy could be. Choose wisely, because the role that this person plays in your life is as important as having a great therapist, coach, medical doctor, or financial advisor. Perhaps sharing my book Be Nice (Or Else!) with some of your friends and confidants, and then asking for their input and response, could help you find your bitch-buddy. Once you know, then the two of you "contract" with each other.

You and your bitch-buddy agree that:

1. You only get one bitch-buddy to bitch to. If you make it a bad habit of bitching to more than one person, eventually half don't want to hear it and the other half think you deserve your problems.
2. Your bitch-buddy isn't just for bitching. You must also share the news when things are going great.
3. The bitch-buddy system goes both ways: You take turns and each be a buddy to the other.