Dieters: Music To Your Ears

There’s a reason MP3 players have taken over the gym. One of the best ways to pump up your adrenaline during a workout is to turn up the tunes. Studies have shown that listening to music can actually heighten the flow of your exercises. If you’re a runner, then the right music can increase your endurance. One study found that tracks from Madonna, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Queen and others increased pleasure perception by 10 percent, and it lowered the perception of effort – even when participants were close to physical exhaustion. Loud, upbeat music can help you forget about fatigue and stimulate you to go that extra mile. But match your music to your workout. Slower music lowers muscle tension, so it’s best to listen to fast music while weight training.

Faster music can better prepare you for an intense workout as well – it increases heart rate and respiration. Look for songs that are consistently fast and rhythmic, with a driving beat. Dance mixes of popular songs work well. Avoid songs that vary too much in beats, and those that are more free form – these are best saved for slower, less intense workouts, stretching and cooldowns. When you are ready to cool down, soft, calming music can help soothe nervousness and anxiety. So whether it’s Bach or Beck, find something you love that’s well-suited for your kind of workout.