Dieting by the Book

Experiment in the kitchen. Variety is the spice life — it’s also a great strategy for sticking to your meal plan. Trying different recipes will keep your weight-loss efforts from getting boring. And you don’t necessarily have to forsake your old favorites simply because you’re dieting. A little research and experimentation will help you find ways to enjoy your favorites while reducing calories and fat. Find substitutions for oil, like applesauce, or learn how to enjoy that fresh-baked oatmeal-raisin cookie while reducing sugar and retaining flavor. Stop by a used book store and pick up a couple of healthy cookbooks. Today’s cookbooks contain a wealth of diverse dishes, including lightened-up ethnic favorites. There’s a taste out there for every palate. Carnivores may enjoy meat-centric cookbooks, like The Healthy Beef Cookbook. There are plenty of vegetarian and vegan options, and omnivores can benefit from a meatless dish once in awhile, too. Unique offerings include Neo Soul, a book that offers traditional soul food recipes without all the fat, salt and calories. The beauty of a new recipe is the new discoveries you’ll make about seasonings and techniques you can apply to other dishes. Surf the Web for meals that appeal to your tastes. Peruse magazines for new ideas. There are a wealth of resources out there loaded with healthy variations of traditional favorites or meals you’ve never even tried.