Do You Need a “Mom” Cave?

Move over, Man Cave. Personal space is getting more stylish and catering to the feminine side of things. But is it even possible for moms to get away from it all in their own homes? Ask yourself that same question when you watch your man kick back with his favorite snacks and the game, tuning out the rest of the world for a couple of hours while going to his own private happy place. Don’t you deserve the same luxury once in awhile? Take a time out in your own special place, whether it’s to sit down and read, paint, scrapbook, knit, do yoga or whatever interests you. But if you’re worried about finding your spot, here are a few tips. Start with a spot that’s not well-traveled. A corner of the den, for example, might not be a great area. Perhaps a corner of the guest room would work. Your mom cave doesn’t have to be an entire room – a large closet or attic space works just fine. Mirrors can lighten up and create the illusion of a larger space. Decorate your spot with colorful wallpaper or pretty pictures. Be sure to have a comfortable place to sit – after all, it’s your throne! Pillows, throws and other plush items are great items that make it cozy. Breathe life into closed space with plants and flowers. Use small storage boxes and drawers to store all the things you need to go to your happy place, whether it’s craft supplies, music or other items. A double-sided bookshelf allows you to partition the area from the rest of the room while giving you storage on “your side.” Take a time out to recharge, and when you emerge from your mom cave, you’ll be a whole new mom!