Do You Really Need a Facial?
Sure, it feels great to get pampered at a spa by having your face exfoliated, cleaned and massaged. But can’t you get all those treatments at home for a fraction of the cost? The short answer is yes, and doing your own treatments has quite a few other benefits, too. The cost of getting a facial can be upwards of $100, and if you get regular ones, that’s quite a big beauty bill to be stuck with. If you have a great home regimen, however, you can cut down on the frequency of your visits or eliminate them completely. Other than cleansing and moisturizing, estheticians recommend giving yourself a facial massage. Not only does it feel good, but it also can release toxins and puffiness, plus help circulation, which will help the appearance of your skin. With wet skin and cleanser, massage skin in light, upward circles. Another skin issue you might turn to an esthetician for help with is popping zits – which may not be a great idea, depending on the esthetician’s training, or lack thereof. Extractions – the fancy word for popping pimples – require special training, so ask before allowing yours to pop away. And they know when you’ve picked with your nails – scarring and sometimes infections are apparent – so if you must pop that zit, have it done by a professional.
And there are some “upsells” the esthetician might pitch you: skincare products and peels. Often, estheticians have their preferred products and like to recommend them to clients. They’ve often done research on the products and want to set you up with a good skincare regimen at home – so if you feel strongly about what she’s using and want to buy, go ahead. If not, don’t worry about it. Microdermabrasion and chemical peels are other treatments an esthetician may offer. Most people don’t need these treatments, unless there are signs of aging, such as dark spots or uneven coloring. They may or may not help fine lines, so if your skin is normal and doesn’t have too many signs of aging, then forego these pricey treatments.