Does Stress Make You Ugly?

If you’ve had a lot going on lately and suspect that your looks are suffering as a result of stress, then you may be right. Think about it: nails splitting faster than you can file, pimple breakouts, dark circles under your eyes, thinning hair…if any of these issues sound familiar, read on. Stress just might be making you ugly! Ever notice when you’ve got a big event coming up – class reunion, wedding, prom, etc. – then your face decides to stage a revolution and break out in zits? Studies show that in times of stress, sebaceous (oil-producing) glands go into overdrive and clog pores. Another nasty effect that stress has is helping wrinkles along. Stress hormones release free radicals, which have a negative, drying effect on cell membranes. As cell membranes lose water, they lose elasticity and can speed wrinkles and even dark circles under eyes because it affects circulation.
Stress may be a hair-raising event, but did you know it can also cause hair to fall out? Those free radicals can have the same drying effect on your hair, and it can also take up to three months after a traumatic event for hair to fall out. The good news is that it usually will grow back in a matter of months. The good news about your hair is that a good B vitamin supplement not only staves off the effects of stress, but it also nourishes your hair and keeps it on your head. Plus, it has the added benefit of delaying the development of gray hair. The answer is simple if you think your looks are suffering as a result of stress: Stop! Try healthy habits to reduce your stress, such as yoga and other forms of exercise. The tried-and-true hot bath and allowing yourself plenty of sleep are also good solutions.