Flex Your Yoga Muscles

Try adding a little yoga into your schedule. The physical benefits include becoming more aware of your body’s posture and alignment, improved flexibility, an increase in endurance, an increase in strength and resiliency, and improvement in balance, just to name a few. Yoga can have an impact on your mental health as well. It helps promote calmness and stress reduction.
Before you sign up for a class, it’s important to know a few common terms related to the various types of yoga taught. Beginners should look for Hatha yoga classes. These are generally slow-paced and gentle classes that introduce participants to basic yoga poses. Vinyasa is a more vigorous form of yoga that incorporates breath-synchronized movements with sun salutations that prepare the participant for more challenging stretching exercises toward the end of the class. Ashtanga, or Power Yoga classes, is more fast-paced and intense, taking the participant through a series of poses more quickly than other classes.
Bikram, or hot yoga, is a popular class that is held in a 95- to 100-degree studio, causing profuse sweating and loosening of tight muscles. If you’re trying to improve your body’s posture and alignment, then try an Iyengar class. It emphasizes form by taking participants through a slow series of poses, concentrating on form. If you’re looking for a class that emphasizes stress reduction and the mental health benefits of yoga, then look for either an Anusara or Kripalu class – these offer meditation, spiritual healing and a positive outlook.