French Manicures with a Twist

From proms to weddings, the French Manicure seems to be the go-to style for women everywhere. For some though, the trend seems to become tiresome over time. While always elegant, the French can become a bit boring week after week. If you’re one of those women who refuses to stray from the style, why not spice up your French manicure with these tips? ‘Tis the season to get creative. Shy away from the traditional whites, pinks and nudes. Instead take yellows, oranges and other popular spring hues out for a spin. And who says you have to stick with one color? Why not consider layers of color? Pair up lavender with black, peach with yellow or lime with pink. Don’t be afraid to be bold. Go for colors that showcase you wild side. French goes punk with metallic blues, gold, silver and other funky colors. Sideline your standard choices from a French, and substitute the season’s hottest colors instead.
Next, forget the straight and narrow. Instead of going straight across with your color, try different angles or arches. Remember, thin isn’t always in. Widen your tips by bringing your color down further. And why stop there? Get artistic — flowers, spirals, stars and animal prints are all great ways to liven up your look. Consider adding airbrushed elements to the rest of your nails. Also, glitter, rhinestones and beads are also elements you should consider adding to your nails. Nothing says glam like gold and black striped animal print tips. Still stuck on white tips? Simply have your nail technician add an airbrushed design of small petals, sweeping lines or plaid patterns.