Get Your Own Custom-Colored Lipstick

If you just can’t find a new lipstick or gloss in that just-right color, don’t fret. You don’t have to spend a ton of cash trying to find that color that’s just perfect for your skin. It might be resting at the bottom of your purse or makeup bag. For a custom look, you might try experimenting with blending the lipstick shades you already own for a completely different lip color. If you have a shocking pink, then try mixing it up with a more sedate brown shade – a pinkish-brown, rosy color is flattering on most anyone. Add a little shine with a frosty lipstick for colors that look too drab or matte on your lips. And you can make a pretty plum out of red and purple hues. You can give any color in your palette that hot, matte look seen on the runways by simply layering the color with pressed powder between coats. If you want to go for that slick, nude look seen on many runways, it’s easy.Dip a makeup sponge in foundation and smooth across lips, then let it dry and apply a clear, shiny gloss. It’s a great way to complement a smoky eye. If you have trouble with color bleeding around your lips, then try a flesh-colored eyebrow pencil as liner first. The waxy texture can keep lipstick in place. The first thing to do when you’re perfecting your lip look is to have healthy lips. Chapped, uneven skin on the lips can lead to discoloration and spotting, so keep your lips in tip-top shape by using lip balm regularly and giving lips a mini-exfoliation before applying color. All you need to do is wet your toothbrush and sweep it over lips a few times to rid them of dead skin. Apply lip balm as a “primer” before applying color, and you’ll have a perfect pout!