Give Your Child the Salon Treatment

Does the thought of shampooing and conditioning your child’s lovely locks make you want to pull your own hair out? The number of children who actually enjoy having their hair washed is few and far between. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make the normally painstaking process more fun. The secret is to transform your bathroom into a salon. You won’t believe how quickly those screams turn to squeals when you give your little one the royal treatment. For starters, bring out the fancy shampoo and conditioner. Have your child lay down on the counter. Roll a towel up and place it under your child’s neck. Have your child lean back and relax. Put on your fanciest accent as you speak. Engage her in girl talk while you gently massage the shampoo into her scalp. Rinse the shampoo out with cool water. Then rub in conditioner. Rinse again. Once you’ve completed the process, wrap hair up in a towel, salon style.
Next, seat your child in a chair and break out the blow dryer. Ask your child to choose which style she’d like. For a blow out, divide hair into sections and clip back the hair you’re not currently working on. Run your fingers through the roots and pull out hair as you dry. Use the round brush through the hair and point down the nozzle as it dries. Start with the ends as they dry the fastest. If your child wants some cute curls, apply a handful of mousse and break out the diffuser. Have your child flip her head upside down and scrunch hair with the hands. By setting up shop in your home, your child will never give you grief about getting her hair did again.