GMO-h, No! Avoiding “Frankenfoods”

Crossing a fish with a tomato may sound like science fiction, but it’s reality in the world of GMOs, or genetically modified organisms. DNA is injected into one organism from another, creating a hybrid that may make the food hardier and more resistant to pests, spoiling, etc. So what’s the harm? Therein lies the rub — scientists don’t know yet. What they do know is that lab animals won’t touch GMO foods. Rats in the lab had to be force-fed GM tomatoes. In fact, many other animal species wouldn’t eat them when given the choice between them and organic foods. Worse still, many processed foods contain GMOs. So how can you distinguish GM foods from non-GM foods? You can’t — food companies don’t have to include GMO information on their labels. The Food and Drug Administration estimates that more than 75 percent of foods contain them.But the FDA doesn’t regulate GMO concentrations, and it seems that purchasing 100 percent organic food is the only way to avoid GMO-containing foods. Other ways to ditch GMOs include avoiding foods that contain soy-, corn- and cottonseed-based additives. They are most likely GM foods. Choose fresh, whole foods, and when choosing produce, pay attention to the PLU number – it’s that 4- or 5-digit number on the sticker of the fresh fruit or vegetable. If it has five numbers and the first is number 8, then it’s genetically modified. Don’t let dinner become a sci-fi movie – get educated on GMOs.