Gorgeous Reasons to Join the Smokeout

The Great American Smokeout, a nationwide push to get smokers to break the habit, happens every year on the third Thursday in November. Why not make this your year to quit smoking? You already know the negative impact that smoking can have on your health, but did you know that cigarettes can hurt your appearance? The impact of smoking is skin deep — literally. Your skin will show the effects of smoking because inhaling cigarette smoke means taking in thousands of toxins that cause inflammation throughout the body – including the skin, the body’s largest and most visible organ. Smoking also releases free radicals that decrease circulation and subsequently thin the skin. Because blood doesn’t reach the skin properly, smokers’ skin may appear sallow and grey. Nicotine directly stains skin on the fingers and sometimes around the mouth.
Another issue smokers have around their mouths is wrinkles. The repeated lip-pursing motion of taking a drag off of a cigarette can create wrinkles around the mouth and nose. Smokers may develop fine lines around the eyes as well as a result of squinting to keep smoke out of their eyes. Dental issues plague smokers because the act of smoking increases the risk of mouth and throat tumors, plus it weakens and stains tooth enamel. Later in life, smokers actually may need teeth replaced. Because the chemicals in cigarettes deprive hair of oxygen, it may appear lifeless and dull. Finally, that smoky smell pervades skin, hair and clothing and is very difficult to get out.