Great Ways to Keep Your Kids Quiet

Do you enjoy the silence? Well, if you’re a parent, especially of a young child, you likely don’t get much quiet until it’s lights out. However, there’s a lot to be said for teaching your kids to hush. Certain situations call for quiet time whether it’s in a library, in school, in church or somewhere else. The bottom line is that your child needs to learn to zip those lips every now and then. If you want to keep your children quiet during a church service or meeting, you want to bring your bag of tricks. In that saving grace, you should harbor toys that don’t make noise, crayons and coloring books, as well as snacks. These should be things your child has never seen before so that they won’t grow bored quickly. It doesn’t have to be new – just new to them. Don’t let your kids see what is in the bag until it’s quiet time. Take the items out of the bag one at a time. If they start growing tired of one thing, quickly move on to the next. Alternate between toys and books and food. Say you want to keep your child quiet in the grocery store. Talk to them as you shop as a form of distraction. Allow and encourage your child to place items in the cart. Thank them profusely for being your assistant. Bring along a snack to keep them from whining for food. If you’re at home and want your children to quiet down, entice them with some toys they haven’t played with in awhile. Set aside an hour or whatever length of time you want where your kids are encouraged to quietly stay in their rooms and occupy themselves. The nature of keeping your quiet all comes from keeping your child distracted. It’s sure to work almost every time.