Great Ways to Work in Fitness

Keeping fit is a goal for most women, but with kids, work, chores and a ton of other responsibilities, few of us have time to focus on getting (or staying) trim and healthy.
A busy, on the go lifestyle sounds like it would be a good way to stay fit; the problem is that many women add a lot of unhealthy habits into their hectic schedule and don’t make the most of their exercise opportunities.
While hitting the gym after work sounds like a great plan, it’s not always a viable option, especially if you have a family waiting for you at home.
Our day-to-day lives provide plenty of opportunities for working in fitness. Even if your schedule allows you a very limited amount of time to work out, you can sneak in fitness at other times during the day and use a variety of tactics to maximize the effects of your efforts.
Scheduling It Right
If you do any kind of workout program at home, you need to be able to fit it into your day. You may have to make a few sacrifices in order to make it happen, but looking and feeling great is well worth it. Remember when shopping around for workout DVD’s that some routines require much more time than others. Try to seek out programs that allow for short, effective workouts if this better suits your needs.
Get up early. You don’t have to be up with the birds, but try to set your alarm to allow for enough time for a quick workout before you get flooded with the responsibilities of the day. Early workouts can also make you feel invigorated and ready to take on the day’s challenges. You’ll also feel a sense of accomplishment at having gotten your workout in so early.
Make time in the evening. If you still have the energy at the end of the day, you can squeeze in a workout after the dishes are done and the kids are in bed. Getting some physical activity in the evening can have the added bonus of helping you relax and get a more restful sleep. Be careful not to exercise too close to bedtime though; it can have the opposite effect and leave you feeling wide-awake.
Take a break. If you’re home with young kids, you can fit in a quick workout while they’re napping or playing. If you have a baby, you can let him spend some time in the playpen, swing or bouncy seat while you pop in your fitness DVD. Your little one will probably get a laugh out of watching mom work up a sweat.
Working Out At Work
Technology has given rise to some of the greatest advances in the business world. Unfortunately it’s also given us one of the biggest drawbacks: office butt. Work can have us sitting in front of computers for hours on end, then it’s home in the car and straight to the couch for TV. The result is a less than perky lower half.
Don’t mistake this for a simple shallow aesthetic issue; long hours of sitting can cause other problems as well, such as poor circulation and all-over body tension. Of course, you probably can’t change your job, but you can change what you do before, during and after work. If you can walk or bike to work, by all means do it. When you get there, take stairs and steps whenever you can, and use your breaks to walk and stretch.
It might help to start a fitness club at your job, so you and your co-workers can take walks together during your free time. The camaraderie you get from this type of club can be really energizing and motivating for everyone involved.
Staying Fit At Home
Stay-at-home moms have some advantages during their children’s early years because little kids are so active. They end up running after the little ones throughout the day, which can be a great form of exercise. However when the kids get older and enter school, it’s important for moms to find another source of fitness.
Housework, while rarely pleasant, can actually be a good way to say in shape. Vacuuming, scrubbing floors, and toting laundry up and down the stairs can burn calories and get your heart pumping.
If you’re interested in being an active mom of a baby or toddler, you might want to look into buying a high-quality walking or jogging stroller. These strollers are designed to be easily maneuvered on different types of terrain, and they’re generally more durable than traditional strollers. With this type of stroller you can take your child out for walks or jogs in most types of weather.
Evening fitness classes are great whether you’re a stay at home mom or a working mom. These classes are usually held late enough in the evening to allow you to participate after you have done dinner and gotten the kids to bed (or at least ready for bed). There’s a large variety of classes to choose from, depending on your fitness preferences and the availability in your area.
So much of today’s entertainment involves sitting down and vegging out. Instead, involve your family in activities that take you outdoors and get you on the move. Go for after dinner walks when the weather is nice, or make use of winter weekends by going sledding, cross country skiing, or just having snowball fights.
Handy Helpers
If you want to maximize the effects of your everyday fitness efforts, you’ll find that these simple items can help a lot.
If your family owns a game system, you can make use of some of the fitness games like the Wii Fit and other products that have been growing in popularity over the last few years. You control these games with your body movements so you stay active while you play. They come in versions for children and adults.
A pedometer will help you gauge how many miles you have covered in your day. By figuring out your mileage, you’ll know how much you’re progressing as you build stamina and work in extra opportunities for movement.
A calendar may not seem like the most useful fitness tool out there, but it can be incredibly helpful when you’re serious about scheduling exercise. Write down your workout days on the calendar and stick to your plan.