Groom Your Children to be Good Pet Owners

February is Responsible Pet Owners’ Month, and what better way to train your kids than to put them in charge of man’s best friend? While one of the main goals of this month is to encourage pet owners to spay or neuter their pets, the general theme is to encourage people to become better pet owners all the way around. According to the Humane Society, an estimated 6 to 8 million dogs and cats end up in shelters every year, which is why they encourage pet owners to sterilize their pets. Most children want a four-legged friend but aren’t prepared for the responsibilities that come along with pet ownership. If you haven’t yet brought a pet into your home, you may want to try starting small with a fish or other low-maintenance animal. The object of the exercise is to see if your child is ready for the next step. If you do plan on adopting, teach your children a valuable lesson by rescuing a pet from a shelter.
Talk to your child about the importance of spaying or neutering your animal. Of course, children aren’t the only ones who need to be taught a lesson. Work with your child to train your pet. Feed your dog or cat a balanced diet, and avoid giving your four-legged friend people food. You and your child should walk your dog on a regular basis and show your pet plenty of attention. Always keep your pet on a leash, and clean up his waste. Bathe your pet on a regular basis so he’s clean and properly groomed. The responsibility of caring for the pet shouldn’t fall on you — make it a family affair. If your pet has gone neglected for far too long, this is the month to move Fido to the top of the list.