Handling Other People’s Sick Kids

Sick and tired of having kids who are sick and tired? Face it, all of the hand sanitizer in the world isn’t going to protect your child from the big bad germs out there all the time. There’s nothing more frustrating than sending your child on a playdate only to find out that your child’s play pal has the creeping crud or some unthinkable stomach virus that’s likely to blow through your entire household like Grant blew through Richmond. In a best case scenario, most parents will be considerate enough not to bring their sick children around yours when they’re under the weather. In the worst-case scenario, they will. Of course, there’s always the off chance that the child might be coming down with something that has yet to surface. So at the end of the day, prevention is your best weapon.

That’s not to say that prior to a playdate you can’t gently ask your fellow mom if little Johnny is OK health-wise. As off-putting as it may seem, it’s better to be safe than sorry, unless you’d rather incur the wrath of the illness du jour. Here are a few other ways to work to keep your kids healthy. Encourage your child to wash his hands frequently regardless of where he is. Discourage sharing of food, drinks and utensils no matter how close your child is to his friend. Stay on your children to keep hands away from their mouths and faces. Keep your older children equipped with hand sanitizer.