Horoscope / New Age
By Tolga Savas In this day and age if you were to search psychic chat online or psychic chat rooms in the major search engines, you will come up with millions of web sites offering this service. With the internet offering all kinds of services, it is now just a…
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Horoscope / New Age
by Mike Z. Wang Have you ever wondered what feelings do you have when you look at bright red rose in the garden? Can you imagine if a garden that does not have colorful flowers but only the green foliage? Early in the morning when you see a newly opened…
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Horoscope / New Age
Feng Shui for the placement of furniture is becoming more popular in the Western world as people seek to bring balance into their hectic, modern lives. Feng Shui involves placing objects such as furniture in a space so that good energy is allowed to flow through unencumbered. When decorating your…
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Horoscope / New Age
by James Calvin Stress is an evil six-letter word that can be so harmful to your health. Work can be stressful, traffic jams can be stressful, raising a family can be stressful, and sticking to a strict budget can be stressful. Stress causes headaches, muscle aches, irritability, insomnia and a…
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Horoscope / New Age
Ask any woman that question about her jewelry and you will probably get a clear answer. Most of us, both men and women, have a distinct preference for one metal over the other. Our preference is not determined only by the monetary value of gold or silver — we are…
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Horoscope / New Age
by Sally Jordonia The origins of the Tarot are surrounded with myth and lore. It is hard to know for sure what the facts are. The Tarot has been thought to come from places like India, Egypt, China and Morocco. Others say the Tarot was brought to us from the…
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Horoscope / Astrology
By Theresa DeLay – DietsInReview.com For some, following the Zodiac is a way of life. Whether a sun sign or a water sign, you can chock up a lot about who you are, and how are others are, based on when you were born and the alignment of the sun,…
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Horoscope / New Age
Many people will say many different things about tarot cards and tarot card descriptions; truth is there are many ways to understand them, but only one true way to actually define them. Tarot cards are a stack of cards placed in front of you, defining some of your most sought…
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Horoscope / New Age
The word, Scientology means the study of truth and stems from two words: The Latin word, “scio” which means “knowing the fullest sense of the word” and the Greek word, “logos” which translates to “study of.” This relatively new religion studies the spirit (or Thetan as Scientologists call it) and…
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Horoscope / New Age
by Michelle Andersen Tarot astrology is the system through which a reading of the cards in a tarot deck helps you through troubled times by offering a reflection on your past, present and future. Tarot is closely associated with astrology as each card relates to a planet, element, or astrological…
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