Daily Outlook powered by Astrocenter.com
Monday, October 5, 2020
The overall energy rating is 3. Being open to the chill vibes of the void-of-course moon will help your dreams come true!

Today's aspects bring a full chapter reset, starting with a waning gibbous moon in the dedicated sign of Taurus. It takes you to a deeper realm of tapping into your emotional needs and wants. It's not about what you were taught at a young age at all! Instead, you're finding the solutions on your own and putting the energy out there to manifest a long-awaited reality. For many who have been working so hard to achieve their goals, these transits are when people around you can act more selfishly than normal. It's a good time to bet on yourself before anything or anyone else.

The day seems to flip the script with a long void-of-course moon that asks us all to step back from our daily tasks and take time for some careful contemplation.

The moon doesn't enter the chatty sign of Gemini until later, so this is the plan for the rest of the day. Getting what you need to get done before the lunar waves pull back is the most helpful course of action you can take. If you try to start something new tonight, you'll feel like you're running in circles with no end in sight.

Some practical plans to take into account today are major self-care activities to help boost your incredible aura. Working with your subconscious can cause memories to surface through your mind as well. This is a profound day for psychic developments in general, so get those crystals out, set up your meditation pillow, and let yourself be open to whatever comes up.
Important planetary aspects of the day:
Mercury quintiles Uranus; Mercury sextiles Pluto; Moon sextiles... Read More
Recommended attitudes/ strategies for the day:
Political developments around this period can have crucial long-term... Read More
Activities that are highly favoured:
Opening new accounts; learning new subjects; first feeding of... Read More
Activities that are preferably avoided:
Surgery on the feet and eyes; long journeys towards North and... Read More
General numerological guidance for the day:
Avoid unnecessary arguments with anyone; this applies to everyone.... Read More