Hot Foods to Rev Up Your Sex Life!
Aphrodisiacs stimulate sexual desire, and one of the strongest happens to be food. It can add serious sizzle to your sex life. Aphrodisiacs affect no two people alike. So to see what works best for you, you may need to experiment with your lust for love.
Several qualities make chocolate a potent aphrodisiac. First of all, it contains more antioxidants than red wine, as well as “the love chemical” PEA (phenylethylamine). PEA helps release the feel-good chemical dopamine in the brain, and dopamine may induce arousal – even euphoria. Chocolate also contains tryptophan, a chemical that promotes comfort and lowers inhibitions.
Extracts of licorice have been used in holistic medicine for centuries. This food can relieve ulcers, rheumatism, arthritis, constipation, menopause symptoms, night sweats, and much more. Naturally, just as it can treat physical ailments, licorice can inspire lust. The smell alone greatly increases blood flow to the genitals. Women seem to be more affected by licorice than men.
Honey is made from nectar and pollen, the sperm of plants. No wonder it’s an aphrodisiac. Honey is rich in nutrients like Boron, a trace mineral that promotes metabolism of estrogen in females. Honey also contains Vitamin B, which contributes to testosterone production in males. Both estrogen and testosterone are needed to improve libido and intensify orgasm.
Oysters are one of the most popular aphrodisiacs today. The ancient Romans began using them to stimulate arousal during the 2nd century A.D. They may have chosen oysters because of their resemblance to female genitalia, but that’s definitely not what makes them an aphrodisiac. Oysters are rich in zinc, a mineral that helps produce sperm and increase sex drive.
Various nuts are thought to be aphrodisiacs, but few receive more attention that the almond, an ancient symbol of fertility. The smell of almonds rouses passion more than ingesting them does. Still, eating them will lower inhibitions. Nutrients in this food (e.g., magnesium, fiber, Vitamin E) promote a sense of relaxation and well-being. Almonds stimulate women in particular.
Familiar with its exciting effects on the body, people in Central America actually drink the sap of red bananas. This fruit has long been considered an aphrodisiac because of its phallic shape, but we there is more to the banana than meets the eye. Bananas are chock-full of potassium, magnesium, and Vitamin B, plus the sex drive-enhancing bromeliad enzyme.
A tangy tropical fruit, pineapple purifies the body and aids in digestion. It’s rich in manganese, Vitamin B1, and Vitamin C. Pineapple is considered an aphrodisiac because of its use in alternative medicine: to treat impotence. Mix it with other aphrodisiac fruits when you want to rev up your sex life, or try drinking pineapple juice with breakfast each morning.
Truffles are both rare and expensive; many cost over $500 per pound. The high price only adds to their allure. As for their physical properties, science has proven that the scent of truffles replicates the scent of pheromones in boars. They may also replicate the smell of human androgens. Compared to white truffles, black varieties are slightly more aphrodisiacal.
When the ancient Aztecs saw avocados hanging in pairs, they called the tree “Ahuacuatl”, which translates to “testicle tree.” Some time afterward, avocados were forbidden by Catholic Priests in Spain who thought they were too sexual. Now we’re free to partake in this smooth-textured aphrodisiac. Elements from Vitamin B6 to bromocriptine combine for an intoxicating effect.
Asparagus is rich in potassium, fiber, Vitamin B6, and folic acid. It increases the production of histamine, which is needed for the ability to orgasm in men and women. Everyday foods like this vegetable can keep your body at peak health and maximum pleasure. When it comes time to spice up your sex life, you can always turn to aphrodisiac foods for help.